Bwahahahahaha, Detroit, Republican-Fail, Rick Snyder — August 14, 2014 at 9:48 am

New hashtag to celebrate Rick Snyder’s tone deafness: #JustLikeTheDetroitFlood


Yesterday, Michigan Governor Snyder compared a hole in the roof of his $1.1 million “lake house” mansion (one of two mansions he owns) to the devastating impacts of the recent historical flood in Detroit.

I’ve been through a lot of things like that, Frank. We just recently had holes in our roof from storm damage to our lake house. We have a vacation place and we had a limb come down on the roof and had water running through the whole place; those experiences are not pleasant ones and they had to take some trees down.

To celebrate, I’ve launched a new Twitter hastag: #JustLikeTheDetroitFlood.

What epic tragedies have you encountered that were just like the Detroit flood? Here are a few tweets to get you started:

[Snyder caricature by DonkeyHotey from photos by Anne C. Savage for Eclectablog]
