Affordable Care Act, GOPocrisy, Mark Schauer, Obamacare, Rick Snyder, Tea Party — September 17, 2014 at 12:17 pm

Republican Rick Snyder now running on Obamacare after failure to lead on Medicaid expansion


Back when Michigan legislators were debating whether to expand Medicaid in our state through the Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”), Rick Snyder expressed his concern that our state didn’t “have enough capacity to put essentially 400,000 more people into a medical home model with a primary care environment, as opposed to having them simply go to an ER”.

That’s the sort of “leadership” provided by Rick Snyder on this issue.

Once Republican legislators finally figured out what a great deal this is for our state, they passed the legislation without giving it “immediate effect”, something they do for nearly every bill passed. This delayed the implementation of the program for several months, costing our state upwards of a half billion dollars in lost federal funding.

Today, apparently, is a new day. Rick Snyder is now pivoting his campaign to run on Obamacare:

Gov. Rick Snyder on Tuesday touted Michigan’s successful Medicaid expansion as part of his re-election bid, saying 63,000 more low-income adults have signed up than projected this year, with 3 ½ months left.

The Republican governor said about 385,000 enrolled between April, when the Healthy Michigan program launched, and Monday. His administration had expected 322,000 signups by year’s end.

“At that level, we’re adding over 9,000 patients a week,” Snyder said at an endorsement event at the Michigan State Medical Society, an East Lansing-based professional association of physicians. “It’s outstanding progress.”

His embrace of a key component of the federal health care law roiled conservative activists. But Snyder’s campaign is hoping expanded Medicaid’s appeal among the broader electorate helps him in November.

Good luck with that, Governor. For every person you woo with this pivot, you’re going to lose two tea partiers who went into absolute freakout mode when you signed the bill into law.

This was a comical emailed diatribe sent out by my good friends at the Tea Party of West Michigan (motto: “Influence policy, effect [sic] elections, protect the Constitution”.) The formatting is exactly as I received it.:

This is a call to action. I know we have to keep fighting this battle over and over again. However, It’s rearing it’s ugly head yet again as our Governor Snyder is sounding like he’s going to jump on the expansion of medicaid which truly makes no sense as the Supreme Court ruled it had to be optional to the states and not compulsory. So Why is Snyder doing this? Your guess is as good as mine but seeing how he has no problem taking federal dollars (our tax dollars) that would be my guess. Update, as I’ve been trying to decide how much info to give you, what words to say and not overwhelm you all at the same time, Governor Snyder has sent out a press release with talking points, called Facts About Medicaid Expansion, Improving Care, Saving Money. Let me just say, I believe the first word may be a matter of opinion on the Govenor’s part from everything I’ve read today and in the past along with the articles I’ve linked below. I do think now there is no wondering if he is going to try to force Michigan to take this money and expand Medicaid! This in my view will cement ObamaCare in the WONDERFUL STATE OF MICHIGAN. That would be such a shame. It might even bring freeloaders from other states who do not make this move to our state.

We were successful in keeping the Michigan House from appropriating the $9.8 Million to “study” the exchange last session along with other states so HHS (Health and Human Services) has come back with an offer of almost $31 million as a new enticement to our and other Governors. First off, think about the significance of that. This is so very important to HHS that they are offering us bigger and bigger amounts of money to do it. Isn’t that a sign of desparation on their part? Doesn’t that prove that with half the states refusing the implementation of ObamaCare that it’s actually working and we should keep it up and hold strong? This money is the cheese in the mousetrap. Once we expand Medicaid, even though they tell us we can reel it back in, do you really think we will? Have you ever known any government agency to shrink? Even after the Post Office stops Saturday delivery do you really think stamp prices will go down? On the contrary they will probably come right back asking for more money.

Yeah, those guys are going to LOVE your new campaign focus. LOL.

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Mark Schauer was quick to remind us of Snyder’s failed leadership on this issue, telling the Associated Press, “[I]t took him a long time to get it done. It cost the state $600 million or so.”

Snyder’s in a well-earned tough spot here. He’s never going to sway Democrats that he’s somehow a friend to their interests and concerns. And, the more he embraces Obamacare, the more he’ll alienate the far-right tea partiers who helped sweep him and his Republican colleagues into power in 2010.

Now, Democrats, we just need to get out the vote and make sure our supporters show up to vote. Make sure you’re involved in the statewide GOTV effort today. If you need help with that, start HERE.

[Snyder caricature by DonkeyHotey from photos by Anne C. Savage for Eclectablog]
