Republican-Fail, Republicans — December 4, 2009 at 7:40 am

Sen. McConnell: Let’s use Stimulus money to pay for war!


Honestly, is it GOP Amateur Hour in Congress? Okay, dumb question. We know that it is. When you’ve got blusterfucks like John Boehner (R-TanFast), the animatronic talking mannequin, as the spokesperson for the House Republicans and idiots like Sarah Palin and Michele Bachman regularly spewing their Crazy TalkTM on the public airwaves, that’s not really in dispute is it?

But Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell may have elevated his Amateur status not to “Professional” but to “Super Amateur” this week.

He wants to use stimulus funds to pay for our warring effort in Afghanistan.

It’s like they aren’t even trying anymore, isn’t it?

Here’s the money quote:

“Well, I think ideally it would be better to pay for the war than not [Ed. note: ya THINK???!] … We know the stimulus failed. It was sold to the Congress and to the American people with the suggestion that it would hold unemployment below 8 percent. We know unemployment is over 10 percent,” said McConnell. “If we’re looking for a way to fund several years of the war I would suggest unexpended stimulus funds would be a good place to start.

It’s bad enough that the man doesn’t recognize that the stimulus is actually working. But to bail on Americans who are hurting and need jobs and a sound economy in order to send the money to Afghanistan? Really, Senator? REALLY???!

I guess it fits in nicely with Senator Lugar’s assessment that “money and war” are ESSENTIAL while he craps on other things like health care reform and protecting the climate.

GOP Amateur Hour. Coming to a Congressional presser near you. Don’t miss it.

I’m just sayin’…
