It’s good to be the king
The Herald-Palladium reports today that Benton Harbor Emergency Manager Joe Harris appointed himself to several city commissions. I guess he’s not planning on leaving soon after all…
In an order dated Tuesday, Emergency Manager Joseph Harris removed, appointed or reappointed members to the Brownfield Redevelopment Authority, the Cemetery Board, the Twin City Area Transportation Authority, the Downtown Development Authority, the Golf Course Oversight Panel, the Benton Harbor Housing Commission, the Benton Harbor Public Library Board, the Planning Commission, the Public Safety/Recreation Committee and the Board of Review.
Harris said Wednesday the city has to make appointments and reappointments to the committees annually but had not done that in the past. […]
Commissioner Juanita Henry was removed from the Twin City Area Transportation Authority, and Commissioner David Shaw was removed from the Golf Course Oversight Panel and the Public Safety/Recreation Committee.
Mayor James Hightower and Commissioner Sharon Henderson were appointed to the Downtown Development Authority. Hightower was also appointed to the Golf Course Oversight Panel and the Planning Commission.
Harris appointed himself to the Twin City Area Transportation Authority, the Golf Course Oversight Panel, the Planning Commission and the Public Safety/Recreation Committee.
Hmmm…the Golf Course Oversight Panel? The golf course run by Whirlpool property development arm Cornerstone Alliance? My, my. That’s interesting…
H/T: Eclectablog reader Carol D.
[Image credit: Chris Savage/Eclectablog]