The GOP Rape Advisory Chart: Volume III


Yes, that’s right. Just like Peter Jackson’s production of The Hobbit, I’ve found so much raw material to work with that I decided to break what was originally a single story into two, and now three sections.

As I reported yesterday, in addition to being front-paged here at Eclectablog and at dKos, the first chart went utterly viral, hitting everything from Alternet and Balloon Juice to the New Civil Rights Movement, Dan Savage and even (and it doesn’t get more surreal than this) Neil Gaiman by way of Wil Wheaton.

dKos even did an email alert blast thingie with it.

Anyway, the second chart didn’t receive quite as much hoopla, but that’s fine.

Still, this has turned into a strange, mini-calling of sorts, so I’ve decided to complete the “trilogy”. Below the fold, I present The Republican Rape Advisory Chart: Volume III.

WARNING: This one’s a doozie.


To fight back against the Republican war on women, please contribute to the Daily Kos-endorsed women who are running for House and Senate.

In general, I’d recommend helping out ANY of the Democrats running against the scumbags who made the quotes or, alternately, Planned Parenthood, RAINN or the Jamie Leigh Foundation, all of which seem appropriate.

Planned Parenthood
Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network
The Jamie Leigh Foundation

Anyone familiar with the name Jamie Leigh Jones knows that she’s the young woman referred to in the final listing in the chart above–she’s the one who was brutalized by KBR employees in Iraq, and then endured a multi-year battle to take her case to court. Below is the most riveting 10 minutes of questioning I’ve ever witnessed, by Minnesota Senator Al Franken of a KBR attorney:


Since this is the “final chapter” in this series (though, tragically, not in real life), I’m embedding Volumes I and II right here as well–you’re gonna have to scroll a lonnnnng way to post comments, I’m afraid. As an added “bonus”, Volume I has also been modified to match the formatting of the other two, including source attribution for each of the quotes:

But wait, there’s more!

I’m also embedding the “Compleat” Republican Party Rape Advisory Chart–all three volumes in one massive image file! The perfect holiday gift, suitable for framing…or something like that.

Anyway, you’ll have to click to see this one full-size; it’s just too damned big, thanks to the nearly ENDLESS number of horrifyingly offensive, medically inaccurate and flat-out ugly statements made and votes cast about rape-related issues by the Republican Party over the past few years:

Anyway, as noted at the bottom of Volume III, I’m now done with this strange, disturbing but hopefully helpful project, but since there’s SO MANY MORE examples of Republicans saying awful things about the subject, I’d advise checking out Days Without a GOP Rape Mention, which is keeping an ongoing archive of such things. I had nothing to do with that site; it was inspired by Stephen Colbert’s fantastic takedown of the Republican Party the other evening.

Extra props to connecticutie, who came up with the “terror/rape chart” idea in the first place…give her blog some love, willya?

And with that, I think I’ll take several long, hot showers to clean the slime of researching all of these quotes off of me.
