At least they’re not hiding it…
As the debate rages on where to get the millions of dollars in funding needed to repair Michigan’s crumbling roads and bridges, Americans for Prosperity have an answer: use cuts to education and state employee wages to pay for them.
Scott Hagerstrom is the state director of Americans for Prosperity. He says Michigan shouldn’t be raising taxes.“We already have the fifth highest tax on gasoline in the country,” says Hagerstrom, “And under his proposal, we would have the highest tax on gasoline in the country.”
Hagerstrom says state lawmakers should instead use this year’s budget surplus, along with cuts to education and state employee paychecks to fund the governor’s road construction plan.
Americans for Prosperity plans to hold a series of public meetings around the state in the coming weeks.
That’s right, just like the billions in tax breaks given to corporations in Michigan were paid for on the backs of children, senior citizens and the middle class, AFP wants to suck even more money from these groups to pay for something that should be paid for by those who benefit most from them.
It’s part and parcel of their effort to publicize costs and privatize benefits. These corporate shills are no longer doing it quietly and surreptitiously. They are blatant in their efforts to make sure that corporate America continues to receive their corporate welfare by placing the burden on those already hardest hit. When groups like AFP have massive corporate financial backing, it’s amazing how much of a public whore they are willing to be.