Michigan — August 4, 2014 at 12:50 pm

Be unique, just like everyone else! VOTE IN THE PRIMARY TOMORROW!


Predictions for turnout in tomorrow’s primary election are pretty dismal. It’s ironic that progressives do so much to fight for voting rights and then turn around and stay home on election day. What that means is that our candidates for office are chosen by a tiny minority rather than a democratic majority.

Don’t be “that guy” or “that gal”. Vote.

You can have a look at who and what you’ll be voting on tomorrow by creating a sample ballot for your precinct HERE.

In addition to the various candidates for office, there is one statewide ballot proposal (more on that HERE) and, in many places non-partisan judge positions as well. Some folks have hotly contested primary races to vote in and millages to vote on, too.

Let’s not let our democracy wither on the vine. Take a few minutes to excercise your right to vote. It’s your civic duty and actually DOES make a difference.

CC photo credit: Tom Arthur | Wikimedia Commons]
