Mark Schauer, Political Ads, Rick Snyder — October 16, 2014 at 9:38 am

VIDEO: DGA hammers Gov. Snyder in new ad showing the “Faces” of people hit hardest by Snyder’s policies


A new ad out by the Democratic Governor’s Association is one of their best yet. Called “Faces”, it shows the faces of real people hit hardest by Republican Governor Rick Snyder’s pro-business, anti-middle class policies.

It’s an effective ad on the heels of last weekend’s debate between Snyder and Democratic candidate Mark Schauer. Snyder spent a great deal of time explaining how he has increased support for education and how what Schauer called his “job killing senior pension tax” along with his massive cuts to business taxes are “fair”. As Schauer put it in one made-for-sound-bite comment, “Our accountant governor is missing some columns on his spreadsheet and it’s called people.”

This ad helps restore those columns in our statewide conversation.
