Bloggety Blah Blah Blah, Events, Fundraiser — April 17, 2016 at 8:56 am

SAVE THE DATE: Third annual Eclectablog fundraising party – May 17, 2016 at ABC Microbrewery


Every day, every week, every month of the year, Eclectablog is here, championing progressive causes and holding those in power accountable for their actions. Day after day, the writers here at Eclectablog are providing essential analysis and advocacy, spreading word of the valuable work of progressive activists and groups, and holding elected officials’ feet to the fire.

In return, we come to you, our readers, and ask you to support what we do. Our model, where all regular contributors are paid for their superlative writing, is rare but it’s one that represents our progressive values.

We come to you asking for money as infrequently as possible and, once a year, we try to do something that’s fun. Out of that idea was born the Eclectafundraiser party. This year, we are trying something new.

Our third annual Eclectafundraiser party will be Tuesday, May 17, 2016 at the ABC Microbrewery (aka, Corner Brewery) in Ypsilanti from 7-9 p.m. In an effort to better connect with our readers and to help build a more well-connected community, this year’s event will feature an “Ask Us Anything!” interactive discussion with all of the Eclectabloggers and YOU! Even better, the discussion will moderated by two of our favorite progressives: State House Rep. Jon Hoadley and former State House Rep. and Ingham County Clerk Barb Byrum.

Tickets are $30 in advance and $35 at the door. You can buy them now by clicking HERE. As in previous years, we’ll have a raffle, complementary food & beer, and a limited edition “Eclectagrog” beer glass as a souvenir.

Because we are progressives, we won’t turn anyone away at the door who can’t afford the ticket price so, if you can’t make it to the party and/or are feeling progressively generous, please consider purchasing an extra ticket or making an additional donation on the Eventbrite page to ensure everyone can come.

You can RSVP and stay up on all the news on our Facebook event page HERE.

If you or your organization would like to become a sponsor of the event, we have five levels this year:

  • Democracy Defender – $2,500 or more; includes admission for ten people to the party as well as a week of advertising on Eclectablog in our premium ad space.
  • Guardian of Good Government – $1,200; includes admission for eight people to the party as well as a week of advertising in the sidebar space.
  • Equality Evangelist – $600; includes admission for four people.
  • Champion of the Commons – $300; includes admission for three people.
  • Protector of the Public – $180; includes admission for two people.

There is also the “Legislative Challenge” level for elected officials and candidates for $50.

You can pay for your sponsorship via Paypal or a credit card by clicking HERE. Or you can email me at eclectablog at gmail and arrange to send a check.

We hope you will join us May 17. Like our last two parties, it will be tons of fun! But it’s also a necessary investment in journalism to keep progressive causes in the public eye. So whether you can be with us in person or not, chip in as much as you can to keep Eclectablog serving movements for a fairer future in Michigan. And please help by sharing this message with everyone in the progressive world!

In solidarity,

P.S. We are forgoing the second quarter fundraiser this year and, as an extra bonus, I have eliminated that annoying TinyPass pop-up message. However, that doesn’t mean we don’t still need your support. If you’d like to be a supporter, please consider making a donation today:


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