Anne and I were fortunate enough to attend President Obama’s first inauguration eight years ago today. Her photomosaic poster of Barack Obama, “Out of Many, We Are One”, had appeared in TIME magazine, had sold well and was being given out as a gift at the Michigan Ball. We also miraculously got tickets to the inauguration itself. Not only that, we scored tickets to the party.
The enhanced slideshow below, “Two in Two Million”, is composed of hundreds of photos Anne took during our trip. It includes amazing music (Red Hot Chili Peppers, John Mayer, Thievery Corporation and the Dixie Chicks), pictures from the Michigan Ball and the party, the D.C. Metro on Inauguration Day, and, most importantly, major portions of the president’s inauguration speech.
Take a few minutes to enjoy this on the eight-year anniversary of the inauguration. We have our work cut out for us over the next four years but, for today, let’s savor what we accomplished when we elected Barack Obama. Not only did we elect the most progressive president in my lifetime, he taught us how to organize and how to make change against a buffeting headwind. For that, I will personally always be grateful.
The slideshow is about 17½ minutes long so grab a beverage, sit back, and relive the inauguration with us. If you attended the Michigan Ball, you might even see yourself in the show! If you prefer to watch just the inauguration, skip forward to around the 6½ minute mark.

(Click the image and it will open a new window where you’ll need to hit the “play” button. You can make it go to fullscreen by pressing the button at the bottom of the video.)