Regular readers of the blog or listeners of the Sit and Spin Room podcast know that we are big on the Resistance these days. We recognize and exalt the import work being done by Indivisible Groups, NationalADAPT and their various chapters, and all the other incredible grassroots organizers who are changing the conversation when it comes to the debate about the Affordable Care Act and the odious pile of steaming scat known as Trumpcare.
But there are many ways to resist and they don’t all involve sit-ins or rallies or holding signs and yelling. Those things are important – ESSENTIAL! – but there are simple ways, too. And one of those ways is to support websites like ours.
Our costs here at Eclectablog increase each year so if our revenues decrease, well, that’s a problem. We pay $80 a month to host the podcast. We pay $20 a month for distributed hosting which keeps us up and running when we get hit with a lot of traffic or a get hammered by a distributed denial of service attack. We pay another $20 a month for website security to protect us from hackers from all around the world. We may nearly $100 a month in magazine and newspaper subscriptions. And most importantly, each month I write several hundred dollars in checks to our writers to compensate them for their fine and important work.
None of that is possible with support from the community of readers and supporters that we are growing.
Sadly, our annual fundraiser brought in less money than last year at the same time our costs are rising. In addition, we want to upgrade our podcast recording equipment from a single microphone and computer speakers plugged into an iPhone to a more sophisticated set up with multiple microphones and a mixing board, something that will take us to a new level and allow us to provide you with an even more professional sounding show.
Please consider making even a small contribution and join the growing community of supporters here at Eclectablog. You could, for example, consider becoming a “Sit and Spin Savior” by making a $5 (or more!) a month pledge: