America is in big trouble these days. It’s not just that we have a narcissistic liar “leading” the country. It’s that our elected officials are unwilling to hold Donald Trump and his band of merry grifters accountable for their un-American policies and actions.
That’s the foundation upon which our republic is built. Elected officials and other leaders must be held accountable for what they do. And that’s what we do here at Eclectablog every day. We expose the transgressions that occur at all levels and hold those responsible accountable for their actions. And, more than that, we give YOU the knowledge and tools you need to help hold them accountable. And it’s not just Republicans and conservatives and corporatists from whom we demand accountability. We demand it from our own leaders, as well.
This, of course, requires your financial support to keep us going so, once a quarter, we spend a week asking you to support the fight for accountability at Eclectablog and The GOTMFV Show podcast.
You can do that by using the handy PayPal form at the top of the right sidebar to make a one-time donation via Paypal in the amount of your choice. Second, you can send a check (which avoids Paypal taking out a percentage of your donation) to Chris Savage, P.O. Box 32, Dexter, MI 48130. Please make the check payable to “Eclectablog”.
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If you simply aren’t able to make a donation of any kind (and we appreciate support at ALL levels), please continue to share our posts throughout all of your social media platforms to ensure that the hard work of our most excellent staff is seen by as many folks as possible.
Thank you for your ongoing support.