I keep hearing that this impeachment is “baseless” because it has not been a “bipartisan” process.
Let’s be clear:
- Many, if not most of the “fact witnesses” who have testified were appointed by and have served Republican administrations, and although our intelligence community is ostensibly politically neutral, there has been an acknowledged conservative ideology apparent in the FBI and CIA for many decades.
- There are numerous former Republican politicians, administration officials, and conservative political operatives (Michael Steele, Michael Cohen, Charlie Dent, David Gergen, Max Boot, Steve Schmidt, etc.) who have spoken out against the president and his actions.
- There are numerous *current* Republican politicians, administration officials, and conservative political operatives (George Conway, Justin Amash, Chris Wray, Justice Department IG) who have spoken out against the president and his actions
The only Republicans who have refused to speak out against the president’s obvious abuse of power and obstruction of Congress are the current sitting congressional representatives and senators who fear Trump’s attacks were they to speak their conscience.
So let’s stop with the fake narrative that this impeachment isn’t a “bipartisan” process, because it is.
It’s just that the Republicans in Congress don’t have the courage of their convictions, and aren’t brave enough to put country over party.