Donald Trump, Elections, Featured Post, GOP, GOPocrisy, Republicans — January 12, 2021 at 12:48 pm

How do you spell “hypocrisy”? “G-O-P.”


Republicans would like you to believe they are the party of “national security”–except when it’s the security of the nation’s Capitol…

Storming of the US Capitol on 6 January 2021

“House Charges Donald Trump With Impeachment for ‘Inciting an Insurrection'”

Republicans would like you to believe they are the party of “fiscal responsibility”–just don’t look at the national debt too closely…

“Trump Will Create More Debt Than Obama”


Republicans would like you to believe they are the party of “personal responsibility”–but don’t ask their leader to take any responsibility for his words or actions…

“Defiant Trump denounces violence but takes no responsibility for inciting deadly riot”

Republicans would like you to believe they are the party of “family values”–unless you think the president pardoning his son-in-law’s father for hiring “a prostitute to lure his brother-in-law, then arrang(ing) to have the encounter in a New Jersey motel room recorded with a hidden camera and the recording sent to his own sister, the man’s wife, is a “family value”…


“Kushner pardon revives ‘loathsome’ tale of tax evasion, sex”


Republicans would like you to believe they are the party of “law & order”–unless they don’t feel like following the law about wearing masks during a pandemic, and don’t feel like being orderly…

Content source: National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD), Division of Viral Diseases

“3rd Member Of Congress Tests Positive For Coronavirus, Blames Capitol Attack Lockdown”


Republicans would like you to believe they are the party of strong foreign policy–but that doesn’t mean we can’t side with Vladimir Putin over our own intelligence agencies…

“Trump sides with Putin over US intelligence”


Republicans would like you to believe they are the party of religious freedom–but not *that* religion…

“Outcry as Donald Trump calls for US Muslim ban”





So rather than asking what the Republican Party stands for, it’s time to acknowledge that today’s “GOPocrisy” stands for nothing.

The party is simply out of ideas, out of touch, and soon will be out of time.

And, hopefully, not a minute too soon.




