That’s why your calls to the Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121 matter more than ever
If you’re an attentive listener of the GOTMFV show, you know the legislation being considered as part of the reconciliation budget right now could be among the most transformative passed in our lifetime.
The sum of these bills rival the Affordable Care Act in its direct impact but the scope is so much larger — potentially improving the lives of nearly every American, from birth to Medicare. Actually, when you consider the climate change aspects, it could affect everyone on this planet.
Okay, so all my hyperbole and our individual aspects of the bill — SSI reform with Matthew Cortland, the Child tax credit with Rebecca Vallas, taxing the rich and the corporations with Seth Hanlon, and the cryptocurrency regulation debate and how it shows the power of lobbyists with Alexis Goldstein — hasn’t triggered the avalanche of interest I imagine in my most narcissistic fantasies.
And who can blame people for being tuned out or tuned in on our various other emergencies, pandemics or world-historical crises.
But you know who is paying attention? The lobbyists.
NEW: Corporate America launches massive new lobbying blitz to kill key parts of Democrats' $3.5 trillion reconciliation agenda. Big banks, drug makers, pharma giants and others are readying an onslaught of ads and other attacks.
— Tony Romm (@TonyRomm) August 31, 2021
Millions are being spent to keep the tax system perverted for the rich’s pleasure, obviously. But what’s more interesting is what’s going on when it comes to the effort to expand Medicare with hearing, dental, vision coverage.
Here’s a little taste:
The opposition of the American Dental Association to a universal dental benefit in Medicare is reminiscent of the AMA's initial opposition to Medicare itself.
— Larry Levitt (@larry_levitt) August 27, 2021
Plans to add dental/vision/hearing to Medicare are up against industry lobbying.
This — from great @AliceOllstein article — says a lot about the industry perspective, the allure of Medicare Advantage plans and why Bernie Sanders is pushing the plan.
— Jonathan Cohn (@CitizenCohn) August 27, 2021
Private insurers and dentists recognize that Senator Sanders plan to expand Medicare, also strengths traditional Medicare with its cost-savings and negotiating power against on going effort to privatize our retirement that costs us $7 billion a year without improving care in any way that justifies that spending.
The people need their own lobbyists and all we really have is us.
So what can we do?
Here’s my best advice:
(202) 224-3121
1. Ask your rep and Senators to do everything we can to resettle as many at risk Afghans as possible
2. Make sure they fight for the right things in reconciliation
— LOLGOP (@LOLGOP) August 18, 2021