Help support Eclectablog!

All of the regular contributors to Eclectablog (the “Eclectabloggers”) are paid for their creative work. Unfortunately, blog ads are woefully (some would say scandalously) inadequate in providing enough revenue to make that work. Therefore, we rely on our readers to help sustain this model. That’s where YOU come in.

For those groups and individuals who find what we do here at Eclectablog worthy of supporting with a direct financial contribution, there are three ways to help.

First, you can make your donation using this PayPal form:


Using this form, you can choose which level of support you wish to give us from the dropdown box or choose a different level if you wish by using the “Other amount” box. The default is $60 which is basically $1 per week after the fees are taken out, a pretty good value.

Or you can wait until the TinyPass pop-up pops up (every tenth click on the site) and donate that way. If you do that, the popups will go away as long as you have cookies enabled. Like with the Paypal form, the default amounts for annual or monthly donations can be adjusted to whatever you wish them to be. They are currently set to be around $1 per week. Again, it’s a great value.

Finally, if you would prefer to send a check, send Chris an email and he’ll give you the address. This is the most beneficial way for us because it avoids the Paypal and Tinypass fees that are taken from contributions to the site.

If you work for an organization that would like to support our efforts by placing an ad, click HERE for our ad rates and more information.

By the way, you don’t have to be an organization to run an ad. Maybe you’d like to surprise your favorite progressive with a birthday message on Eclectablog or help promote your favorite group. Again, click HERE for more info.

If you cannot afford to support us financially, there are other ways that you can still help.

For instance, please share our content on your Facebook page or other social media like Twitter, Reddit, etc. Put a “Like” on our Facebook page and click the “Invite friends” button and encourage your friends to like us, too.

Thanks so much for your continued support,
Chris, Anne, Amy, LOLGOP, Tony, Emma, John, and Judy
