UPDATE: Volume III of the GOP Rape Advisory Chart can be found HERE
Wow. Yesterday, in light of the latest misogynistic idiocy by the Republican moron of the moment, Richard Mourdock, I decided to whip up a compilation of some of the more revolting statements on the subject of rape (often tied in with reproductive rights, but not always).
The response was, to put it mildly, overwhelming. In addition to being front-paged at DailyKos, I was invited to repost it here at Eclectablog, and the chart has been reposted, reblogged, retweeted, retumblred and re-whatevered thousands of times already, including the Democratic Underground, Alternet and even by Richard Dawkins and many, many more.
I honestly didn’t think I’d done anything that impressive–most of these statements have received tons of coverage and are easily findable with a simple web search. All I did was put them all together in one place (plus adding some Terror Alert Color Coding, which wasn’t even my idea in the first place).
Anyway, I’m a little uncomfortable taking “credit” for this…”Rape-Apologist Quote Compiler” isn’t exactly something that would look good on my resumé, y’know?
Still, when something captures the public zeitgeist, you have to make your point even more clearly while people are still paying attention. With that in mind I present Volume II of the Republican Party Rape Advisory Chart…this time with larger font size, a wider column and quote source attributions added.
I’d say “enjoy” but that’s incredibly inappropriate unless you’re Clayton Williams.
To fight back against the Republican war on women, please contribute to the Daily Kos-endorsed women who are running for House and Senate.
In general, I’d recommend helping out ANY of the Democrats running against the scumbags who made the quotes or, alternately, Planned Parenthood, RAINN or the Jamie Leigh Foundation, all of which seem appropriate.
Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network
In case the name Jamie Leigh Jones doesn’t ring any bells, here’s a reminder…it’s the 10 most riveting minutes of video you’ll watch today, believe me: