GOPocrisy, Michigan Republicans — August 18, 2015 at 3:37 pm

Todd Courser has determined that it is time to move on, will not discuss his affair, will not resign


Todd Courser finally spoke to reporters today when he attended a House session where road funding was being debated. Most of the time he sat in the gallery, quite unlike Cindy Gamrat who actually had the courage to go directly to the House floor where she gave a written apology to Democratic House Leader Tim Greimel to read to his caucus. While he was at the Capitol, Courser took a few minutes to chat with a reporter.

As it turns out, Courser has determined that it is time to move on.

Let’s roll tape (courtesy of Progress Michigan):

REPORTER: Why don’t you want to say whether you had an extramarital affair?

COURSER: Well, I think I’ve already made those statements. I think it’s important also to move on. The district isn’t wanting to talk about my personal life. They want someone who came here to represent the district. I’ve represented it with the promise that I wouldn’t vote for tax increases and I wouldn’t vote for spending increases. I’ve put forward legislation that other Republicans were unwilling to do and unwillingly to take, really, the political stance to do. So, I came here to do that. I’ve done that. As a matter of fact, I’ve done that, I think, better than most reps in regards to those things.

I’m gonna look forward to voting no. I pride myself on voting no for more government whether it’s in spending or in taxes.

REPORTER: Do you plan to resign?

COURSER: Um, I do not. Yeah, I do not.

Ya hear that, people? It’s time to move on. Courser’s constituents don’t want to hear about his extramarital affair with Rep. Cindy Gamrat or the “false flag” email attempt to distract attention away from it and “inoculate the herd” or his claims of being “blackmailed”.

Time. To. Move. On.

And does he think his dalliances have created a distraction? Nope:

REPORTER: You said you came here today because of those big issues – roads, public safety, schools – are you concerned that all of this attention on you and Representative Gamrat has drawn attention away from those big issues?

COURSER: I do not.

So, despite the fact that there is a House investigation going that involves interviews with a wide array of people involved including House Republican leaders and the fact that he’s forcing House leaders to make sure their butts are covered and that they didn’t look the other way when one of their caucus members might have been using state resources to cover up his affair, Courser thinks it’s business as usual. Like he said:

Time. To. Move. On.

Then there’s this little tid bit of completely un-self aware irony:

It’s important to be able to try and separate your personal life from your professional life. My responsibility, obviously, is to come here and make sure that I hold our leadership accountable by casting my vote. My responsibility is to vote no like I said I would vote no, to come here regardless of my personal issues and struggles that I have.

Yeah, right. Because this guy wrote the book on separating one’s personal and professional lives and on holding people in leadership positions accountable for their actions.

Are you still here? Go on, now. Move along. Nothing to see here.

Nothing at all.
