Author: LOLGOP

Birtherism is the governing philosophy of the GOP

Birtherism is the governing philosophy of the GOP

Birtherism — n. the belief that only “white,” “Christian” males and their wives deserve the basic presumption and dignities of citizenship Two events this week barely received the attention they deserved in the midst of the Fecal Fantasia of the Trump presidency, now with extra Comey. More than six months after Hurricane Maria destroyed Puerto Rico, the island suffered a […]

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We should all strive to care as little about the deficit as Paul Ryan does

We should all strive to care as little about the deficit as Paul Ryan does

And we should seek to help the poor they way he fluffed the rich Better than almost anyone in the history of American politics, Paul Ryan understands how to please the people he serves. And the people he serves are billionaire donors. So when a guy who fancies himself as a billionaire donor became president of the United States, who […]

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ACTION ALERT: We need your to help protect Michigan’s Medicaid program

ACTION ALERT: We need your to help protect Michigan’s Medicaid program

We should be improving our health care system, not uninsuring those who need coverage most Because of the ACA sabotage from Trump’s GOP, more than 100,000 Michigan residents are about to see additional health insurance rate hikes of around $432 a year, according to new figures from’s Charles Gaba. Charles estimates this will screw his family out of $1,300 […]

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How Trump’s tax scam fuels the red state education revolts

How Trump’s tax scam fuels the red state education revolts

If we can afford to give the Kochs $1 billion a year, maybe your kid’s teacher shouldn’t have to drive an Uber at night Around 125 teachers and their supporters marched from Oklahoma City to Tulsa this week to demand the state restore funds to the state’s starved schools. The Guardian’s Mike Elk reported that the marchers were met with […]

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There has never been a more dangerous time to have a tortured manchild as president

There has never been a more dangerous time to have a tortured manchild as president

We’re on the verge of a historic catastrophe Is Donald Trump “unhinged” or “unleashed?” And is there any difference? That’s the question that the Washington Post‘s well-sourced reporters Philip Rucker and Robert Costa are currently ruminating over: “This is now a president a little bit alone, isolated and without any moderating influences — and, if anything, a president who is […]

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The GOP can lose the popular vote by 3 times the margin Trump did and keep the House

The GOP can lose the popular vote by 3 times the margin Trump did and keep the House

And a new report suggests Democrats could need as much as an 11 percent popular vote advantage to take the House A new report from the Brennan Center finds Democrats will need a massive landslide in November to retake the House: Because of maps designed to favor Republicans, Democrats would need to win by a nearly unprecedented nationwide margin in […]

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Tim Walberg voted to send health care premiums skyrocketing. What comes next is worse.

Tim Walberg voted to send health care premiums skyrocketing. What comes next is worse.

Paul Ryan warned us. If we return Walberg to DC, savage attacks on Medicare and Medicaid are coming. Since Republicans took full control of the government in 2017, their goal has been destroy the Affordable Care Act. But all they’ve been able to do is uninsure Americans and drive up their premiums. Rep. Tim Walberg voted for the version of […]

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Democracy depends on finding the missing Obama millions

Democracy depends on finding the missing Obama millions

Seven years ago the GOP decided its existence depended on a plot to destroy the Obama coalition. It worked. In the debate over whether Democrats should prioritize persuasion or turnout, Connor Lamb may have made a decent case for at least some persuasion this week, at least in districts Donald Trump won by 20 percent. But a piece in the […]

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Conservatives are damn right to fear the Parkland kids

Conservatives are damn right to fear the Parkland kids

Anyone who thinks age confers wisdom needs to meet Donald Trump The students who survived the massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and decided to to raise up their voices to make the strange argument that we should actually do something about the 35,000 gun deaths that happen in America every year have inspired some inspired tantrums from the […]

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This is about defending democracy from racist thieves like Trump and Putin

This is about defending democracy from racist thieves like Trump and Putin

Confessions of a liberal who was afraid to call out Trump/Russia connections in 2016 A few days before a New York Times poll of expert executive branch watchers collectively rated Donald Trump as the worst president in American history, The Intercept‘s James Risen made an observation that still chills me: “One year after Trump took office, it is still unclear […]

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There’s no good argument against letting 16-year-olds vote

There’s no good argument against letting 16-year-olds vote

But there are plenty of good arguments for it There’s one time in most Americans lives when you can be sure that they are studying the history of this nation — eleventh grade. For this one year, most sixteen-and-seventeen-year-olds take a deep dip into the lore of this country that has gotten so many things right and wrong. If their […]

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