Author: LOLGOP

The 2018 elections are a national emergency

The 2018 elections are a national emergency

Anything less than a wave will be a victory for Trump You probably don’t need nightmare juice. Sorry, but here’s a shot: “Elections are about choices,” [Vice President Mike Pence] said in the interview, in which he discussed his midterm outlook in detail for the first time. “If we frame that choice, I think we’re going to reelect majorities in […]

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Imagine what we could do with $1.5 trillion

Imagine what we could do with $1.5 trillion

Republicans never gave a shit about the deficit, but they’ll definitely pretend they do again. Let’s be ready this time. You may be shocked to learn Republicans are eagerly exploding the deficit after a decade of using fears of financial imbalance to stunt our recovery. It’s shocking in the way the sun coming up or a Burrito Supreme giving you […]

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Photo credit: Gage Skidmore

Never underestimate Donald Trump’s ability to divide us

His knows his supporters want to be lied to and he loves giving them what they want Here’s one lesson of 2016 that we can’t ignore: Just because you see through Donald Trump’s bullshit, you can’t assume it isn’t working. Trump isn’t meant for you. In fact, you should just assume that the more upset he is making you, the […]

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The Kochs are spending $400 million this year to buy themselves another election

The Kochs are spending $400 million this year to buy themselves another election

The media needs to focus on the bonuses the radical robber barons are giving their workforce — the Republican Party A new report from Americans for Tax Fairness finds that it turns out a tax cut that gives 83 percent of its total benefits to the richest 1 percent with three-quarters of its individual tax cuts going to those earning […]

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Someone is trying to warn us that Trump is about to fire Mueller, again

Someone is trying to warn us that Trump is about to fire Mueller, again

What else do you think #ReleasetheMemo is about? The New York Times scoop that Donald Trump ordered special counsel Robert Mueller fired in June of last year is interesting for obvious reasons. It was confirmed by contemporaneous reporting and suggests that Trump was told by the White House counsel that firing Mueller would at least be seen as another attempt […]

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Trump supporters like being lied to — and the press needs to be honest about why

Trump supporters like being lied to — and the press needs to be honest about why

The fetish for covering Trump backers fails to treat them like adults “The Wall is the Wall, it has never changed or evolved from the first day I conceived of it,” the loser of the 2016 popular vote tweeted last week, before rejecting at least two bipartisan agreements to keep the government open. Both reportedly included some funding for the […]

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BREAKING: Diverticulitis almost takes down Eclectablog

BREAKING: Diverticulitis almost takes down Eclectablog

If you can’t imagine progressive politics without Chris Savage and Eclectablog, we need your support It was the worst Twitter direct message I’ve ever gotten — even worse than the one that convinced me Trump had won Florida. “I have been sick for a few days and this morning I went to the dr with severe abdominal pain,” @Eclectablog AKA […]

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Trump’s attack on the free press is perfect practice for the 2018 midterms

Trump’s attack on the free press is perfect practice for the 2018 midterms

Let’s practice minimizing the Trump infection First, here’s what you need to do: That’s the word from brain scientist George Lakoff. Here’s why I’m joining in and I hope you will, too. Did you know the president is about to step up his attack the free press using all the authority the American people have invested in his office? If […]

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Donnie wants to shut down the government and make America pay for it

Donnie wants to shut down the government and make America pay for it

This is how Democrats make it clear what we stand for Tammy Baldwin has every reason to be cautious. Republicans have already spent $3.1 million to unseat the first openly gay member of the U.S. Senate, “which is more than what all the other Democratic Senate incumbents on the ballot this year have faced combined,” according to the Huffington Post’s […]

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Don’t believe the GOP tax scam is a crime against workers? Ask some Republicans!

Don’t believe the GOP tax scam is a crime against workers? Ask some Republicans!

The reviews are in! The GOP went too far to help corporations in its new tax bill, says Marco Rubio, who voted for the bill after “winning” concessions that deliver $0.00 to $6.25 a month to some of America’s poorest families. “If I were king for a day, this tax bill would have looked different. I thought we probably went […]

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There’s no good way to sell a tax cut that gives 3,223 times more to the richest than the poorest

There’s no good way to sell a tax cut that gives 3,223 times more to the richest than the poorest

5 reasons Trump’s tax scam won’t improve the GOP’s prospects Twas the night before the night before Christmas when Donald Trump did what villains in action movies are supposed to do. He interrupted the story to explain his evil plan. “You all just got a lot richer,” the president told the crowd at Mar-A-Lago, his for-profit club where he sells […]

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