Author: LOLGOP

Wall Street may decide if Trump will get away with firing Mueller

Wall Street may decide if Trump will get away with firing Mueller

And those are the saddest words I’ve ever written I’ll say this until my face is as blue as California, or we’re in the middle of another Great Depression: There has never been a better argument for strict regulation of the financial sector than the way Wall Street has gone all in on Donald Trump. Of course, the endless streak […]

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Why doesn’t Trump want 4.5 million Americans to get insured for $0 a month?

Why doesn’t Trump want 4.5 million Americans to get insured for $0 a month?

Trump billionaire donors may not need health insurance but millions of his voters definitely do Seema Verma must be busy. She’s so busy trying to make it harder for Americans to get health insurance as the Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, which also administers Obamacare, that she has done little-to-nothing to remind Americans that they should go […]

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The GOP has to vote on Trump’s tax scam at least one more time. Here’s what you can do next.

The GOP has to vote on Trump’s tax scam at least one more time. Here’s what you can do next.

Call 202-224-3121 and backlash like you’ve never backlashed This isn’t over. You could say it hasn’t even started yet. Like you, I’ve been a bit dizzy with fury since Republicans passed the largest tax increase for workers in American history without reading it just a few hours after Trump’s first National Security Advisory and secret foreign agent pleaded guilty to […]

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Trump’s tax scam is a massive bailout for his rich adult sons paid for by you and your kids

Trump’s tax scam is a massive bailout for his rich adult sons paid for by you and your kids

Trump wants you to be so mad at minorities that you’ll give him and his kids your retirement. One thing most Americans agree on besides “pie is also good for breakfast” is that things are “rigged.” Elizabeth Warren used the metaphor to explain how we got into the financial crisis that cost America 8 million jobs and trillions in wealth. […]

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Why it’s dangerous to expect a Democratic wave

Why it’s dangerous to expect a Democratic wave

The most unpopular new president in the history of polling is about to pass the most unpopular piece of legislation in generations. But who knows what happens next? Is there a better revenge story than Virginia? A George W. Bush Republican runs a Donald Trump campaign and get crushed like a guy who picked Sarah Palin as his running mate. […]

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Saving human lives is more important than killing deer

Saving human lives is more important than killing deer

As winter begins, the Ann Arbor City Council’s fixation on lawn care for the rich could have deadly consequences After losing $100,000 in funding last year, Ann Arbor’s Delonis Center homeless shelter was forced to close a floor full of beds that were badly needed. Meanwhile, the city is spending more than that to shoot local deer. You probably understand […]

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This pod could be your America

This pod could be your America

Could podcasts play a similar role in a 2018 wave election that AM radio did in 1994? There is an almost inappropriate roar of a crowd. It could be welcoming an aging boy band or an Avengers Comic Con panel. Instead, four former White House staffers and the one former Bernie Sanders flack take the stage of The National theater […]

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The most 10 vicious things about the Trump Tax Scam

The most 10 vicious things about the Trump Tax Scam

Republicans determined to punish Americans for not picking wealthy parents 1. The bottom 35 percent of America — the Americans who are struggling most — will see NO benefit from these tax breaks. 2. The richest 1 percent of Americans get most of the benefits. 3. The middle class gets far less or NOTHING from these cuts. But we will […]

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Why does Ann Arbor keep electing a Rick Snyder/George W. Bush supporter?

Why does Ann Arbor keep electing a Rick Snyder/George W. Bush supporter?

The only thing Jane Lumm is ‘independent’ of is Ann Arbor’s values Jane Lumm, incumbent candidate for Ann Arbor’s city council in the 2nd Ward, ran as a Republican from 1993 until 2011. Tuesday, she’ll be on the ballot as an “independent.” You may not have believed Maya Angelou when she said, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them […]

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The easiest choice in recent American history

The easiest choice in recent American history

The most lawless, homophobic politician in America v. a man who took on the KKK and won, twice A choice has rarely been starker. In one corner, we have Doug Jones. From Mother Jones‘ Pema Levy: The cases for which Jones is most famous were his successful 2001 and 2002 prosecutions of two Ku Klux Klan members who had bombed […]

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Trump’s ACA sabotage may have already have a cost of more than 4,000 American lives

Trump’s ACA sabotage may have already have a cost of more than 4,000 American lives

We’re paying more and now 3.5 million more Americans are uninsured Andy Slavitt loves seeing Americans gain health insurance, and since 2014, he’s had a lot of reasons to be happy.. Slavitt stepped in to save in the midst of a crisis of technology and crisis that threatened the Affordable Care Act. By the end of the enrollment period, […]

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