Author: LOLGOP

Trump is failing, but we aren’t winning yet

Trump is failing, but we aren’t winning yet

Magnify your resistance by supporting grassroots resistance like Eclectablog We all wake up the same way, dreading Trump’s morning ego ablutions on Twitter. Then as the coffee, sunlight or some other controlled substance kicks in we begin to wonder what he’s distracting us from today. Is it his rank looting of taxpayers through the tax code? His abandonment of millions […]

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This is the fight to save Medicare and Medicaid (and to destroy Trump presidency) we’ve been waiting for

This is the fight to save Medicare and Medicaid (and to destroy Trump presidency) we’ve been waiting for

Trump’s presidency will be saved and our safety net gutted if the Trump tax breaks become law You know who understands how crucial the Trump plan to cut taxes for the rich is? The stars of Trading Places and heroes of everyone who doesn’t want there to be a middle class in America — the Koch brothers. The Boston Globe […]

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The one simple reason the GOP wants to pass the worst possible Trumpcare bill by September 30

The one simple reason the GOP wants to pass the worst possible Trumpcare bill by September 30

It’s the billionaire donors, of course Graham-Cassidy — the latest version of Trumpcare — looks to be within one or two votes of passing the Senate with 50 votes by the September 30th deadline mandated by the budget reconciliation process. There’s a momentum and urgency to the bill that suggests that this really could happen, though no Republican can make […]

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The Trump/Kobach voting suppression commission is government-sanctioned birtherism

The Trump/Kobach voting suppression commission is government-sanctioned birtherism

The only evidence backing up its wild claims are racist innuendo What’s the difference between David Duke and Donald Trump? If you’re a liberal, you’ll probably say, “Nothing” and high five a fellow vegan. But the difference is crucial and needs to elevated beyond subtext; it’s the difference between white supremacist policies being laughed out of polite company and them […]

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5 reasons we have to take Trumpcare seriously — again

5 reasons we have to take Trumpcare seriously — again

Trumpcare is the worst possible Obamacare sabotage, and it could happen in less than two weeks The Senate is closer than it has ever been to finalizing a bill that reportedly includes a series of small fixes to Obamacare — if Democrats can convince Republicans not to throw out the “guardrails” that protect consumers. These slight adjustments have historically followed […]

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What do scared House Republicans know that we don’t?

What do scared House Republicans know that we don’t?

Three big retirements inch Dems towards taking 24 seats — could Upton and Trott be next? Make no mistake: Picking up the 24 seats Democrats need to flip the House in 2018 is going to be tough. It’s going to be tough because the GOP has gerrymandered America for its pleasure while building up massive campaign infrastructure that doesn’t take […]

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WARNING: Amidst our other disasters, Trump and the GOP still want to gut Medicaid by September 30

WARNING: Amidst our other disasters, Trump and the GOP still want to gut Medicaid by September 30

Category 4 Obamacare sabotage is also ongoing Some Conservatives feel as if secret liberal Donald Trump tricked them into not getting into a giant fight over Harvey disaster relief as Irma threatens much of Florida, but Trump’s assault on Obamacare and health care in general continues to be as Republican as hell. Trump has quietly let Obamacare's entire outreach budget […]

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My 3 favorite times the Trump family admitted Trump tried to obstruct justice

My 3 favorite times the Trump family admitted Trump tried to obstruct justice

Sure, they aren’t reliable witnesses but let’s take them at their word Special Counsel Robert Mueller reportedly has convened two Grand Juries and is employing several investigators as part of the investigation to the Trump campaign and administration ties to Russia. But all you need is access to internet, a television or a radio or to collect three key admissions […]

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6 reasons Trump can still pull off tax breaks for the rich

6 reasons Trump can still pull off tax breaks for the rich

If we can’t stop them The New Republic’s Brian Beutler has presented eight reasons why the GOP may be “too incompetent to cut taxes,” which would be like arguing that flies are too dizzy to find any excrement. You’re supposed to be able to do the one thing you exist to do. Here are 8 reasons why—if I had to […]

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How you can help defeat Trump’s latest desperate attempt to kill Obamacare

How you can help defeat Trump’s latest desperate attempt to kill Obamacare

Gutting ACA outreach will raise costs and cost lives — but it’s also a chance to prepare for the 2018 election Trump has never been less popular as president and Obamacare has never been more popular — ever. But in this gerrymandered, electoral college-d reality, popularity does not equal power. Trump is using every tool at his disposal to try […]

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Trump’s presidency depends on his tax breaks for the rich

Trump’s presidency depends on his tax breaks for the rich

This is when Democrats get to explain what they’re for — the people over the powerful After the horrors of Harvey, Congress will soon return to Washington D.C. and the fate of Donald Trump’s presidency will be decided by his ability to keep the government open, raise the debt limit and — most importantly — cut taxes for the rich. […]

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