Author: LOLGOP

This is what we’re up against in 2018

This is what we’re up against in 2018

The worst and best news you’ve heard all week that  does not directly involve Donald Trump For a moment, let’s set aside everything Donald Trump is trying to do to make sure the GOP eventually loses the Latino vote the way it has lost African-American vote for the last half a century and focus on the most important issue of […]

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Yes, Trump’s diehard supporters just want to piss you off

Yes, Trump’s diehard supporters just want to piss you off

But let’s not pretend there are enough of them to keep him winning Pity the Obama supporter. After eight years, no one tried to understand you. There weren’t probing front-page profiles in the New York Times marveling at how Tamara Levine — an Esthetician loving life in Torrance, California — is still thrilled with her president, despite the failure of […]

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Photo credit: Gage Skidmore

Trump doesn’t care about Confederate statues any more than he cared about Obama’s birth certificate

But you knew that Like voter ID laws, the preservation of Confederate statues polls quite well. This could be an odd correlation, but I think you get what both of these wedge issues are about preserving. Trump has a preternatural sense of stoking and capitalizing upon white grievance. It’s a pattern that he developed well before he met Steve Bannon. […]

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The time to hold Republicans accountable for their votes to gut Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security is now

The time to hold Republicans accountable for their votes to gut Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security is now

You can’t laugh away your votes against the promises our nation has made to Michiganders anymore, Rep. Walberg I’m worried about Rep. Tim Walberg’s wife. At a recent “Coffee Hour” in Dexter conveniently held during conventional business hours when most people were at work, the following exchange happened as the representative of Michigan’s 7th Congressional District had an aide ask […]

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REMINDER: Republicans got within one vote of gutting Medicaid — and they’re not giving up

REMINDER: Republicans got within one vote of gutting Medicaid — and they’re not giving up

The horrors of what the GOP almost pulled off reveal both the historic effectiveness of the Resistance and how tenuous the victory over Trumpcare may be What else is Mike Pence going to say? Can he admit that “the dawn of a new unified Republican government” has led to no significant legislative achievements in six months, highlighted by a complete […]

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20 (completely serious) questions for Kid Rock

20 (completely serious) questions for Kid Rock

Support Eclectablog because we take Kid Rock seriously for you Is Kid Rock — AKA Robert James Ritchie who grew up in this plush home in Bruce Township, Michigan — a serious candidate for the U.S. Senate? No, but he could be a Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate in Michigan next November. And if there’s anything the last year […]

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BE WARNED: If Trumpcare passes, it could save Trump’s presidency

BE WARNED: If Trumpcare passes, it could save Trump’s presidency

Millions of lives are on the line and so is Trump’s “Get Out of Mueller Free card” We’ve lived through this before — and it doesn’t end well. Trumpcare dies. The left gloats. It can’t pass! But in secret, “moderate” Republicans plot with the White House to find any excuse to get to “Yes,” even if — especially if! — […]

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Ted Cruz’s plan to discriminate against the sick is so vile that insurers finally see their industry is at stake

Ted Cruz’s plan to discriminate against the sick is so vile that insurers finally see their industry is at stake

The insurance industry says it will lead to “widespread terminations of coverage” but it let Republicans get to this point In case you haven’t noticed, conservatives have already won the battle of Trumpcare. The new Senate bill has kept its massive cuts to Medicaid, which kicks 14-15 million off the program in the first decade and gets much worse in […]

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Where are the pro-Trumpcare rallies?

Where are the pro-Trumpcare rallies?

There was always more grassroots support for Obamacare than against it Senate Majority Leader John Cornyn wants 22 million American know that freedom is coming, thanks to Trumpcare. People won’t “lose” their insurance, he argued on Twitter, they’ll choose not to be insured. Fact checking Trump’s GOP is like trying to quell a fire with fertilizer — shit just explodes […]

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WARNING: If Trumpcare passes, it will be the worst version of Trumpcare

WARNING: If Trumpcare passes, it will be the worst version of Trumpcare

Mitch McConnell has admitted that the ACA is easily fixable; but that’s a threat, not a concession We know what it would have looked like if everything had gone wrong this week. The Senate would have quietly enjoyed its recess while leadership got close enough to a deal on Trumpcare that one small concession would have enough to engineer a […]

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It’s astounding how unpopular Trumpcare — but that doesn’t mean it will die

It’s astounding how unpopular Trumpcare — but that doesn’t mean it will die

Republican voters hate it but Republican donors love it   A new poll from the The Analyst Institute finds that EVEN REPUBLICANS reject the Senate’s Trumpcare bill following the Congressional Budget Office score showing it uninsuring 22 million, including 4 million with employer insurance, while cutting Medicaid by 26 percent in the first decade. (A follow-up report showed that those Medicaid […]

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