Author: LOLGOP

Trump breaks another promise and goes after Social Security

Trump breaks another promise and goes after Social Security

Inventing new ways to punish the vulnerable to pay off the rich This week we’ll find out how much crueler the House version of Trumpcare has become after Michigan Republican Fred Upton enabled the bill to pass by signing on to its provision to let states opt out of guaranteed health benefits and protections that prevent insurers charging Americans with […]

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This is why we have to focus on killing TrumpCare before it kills us

This is why we have to focus on killing TrumpCare before it kills us

Trump just gave us a chance to save health insurance for 24 million Americans Thanks to Donald Trump’s decision to step on every available rake in front of him, there is now a special counsel investigating the president’s possible collusion with Russian meddling in our election, which obviously happened because you watched much of it happen on TV. Now someone […]

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3 Asses to Click

3 Asses to Click

Welcome aboard for our first weekly email where we humbly present three actions you can take this week, usually while wearing your underwear. Subscribe to 3 Asses to Click TrumpCare Still Cometh– Contact your Senators about ACKaH NOW History is about to repeat itself  Let your Senators know that they must do everything they can to slow down TrumpCare so […]

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How Trump’s mayhem and corruption will help him take 24 million Americans’ insurance

How Trump’s mayhem and corruption will help him take 24 million Americans’ insurance

Here’s why I worry about the idea that some secret investigation is going to save us Jonathan Cohn has a can’t miss post you need to read right now because it clearly explains how the Senate GOP’s plan could end up looking very much like the House GOP’s plan to uninsure 24, gut Medicaid, rob Medicare, drive up costs for […]

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Don’t expect regret: Republicans are Trump’s very willing accomplices

Don’t expect regret: Republicans are Trump’s very willing accomplices

Trump is letting conservatives play out 50 years of sick fantasies We’re nearing the point of no return. The firing of James Comey as an obvious means of obstructing a Russia investigation that had been picking up steam (and hoping to pick up more prosecutors) was met with slightly peaked “concerns about the timing” from a few Republicans. But most […]

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To save the ACA, don’t mourn — rage

To save the ACA, don’t mourn — rage

The fight to save health insurance for millions has just begun I can’t say it better than Ben Winkler from MoveOn.Org so here it is: [View the story “The House GOP has replaced the ACA with tax breaks for the rich” on Storify]

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This is why TrumpCare could pass the House — unless you stop it

This is why TrumpCare could pass the House — unless you stop it

Tuesday is National Death to TrumpCare Day. Call 866-426-2631 and be a lifesaver. Despite little evidence of that it’s swaying anyone, Trump’s White House wants a vote on the new, even more deadly version of TrumpCare this week and it could come down to just a few votes. We explained why on this week’s The Sit and Spin Room but […]

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Holocaust Remembrance Day is good day to stop acting like a fascist

Holocaust Remembrance Day is good day to stop acting like a fascist

Trump’s long-awaited platitudes mean nothing if his administration continues its propaganda wars At my Hebrew School, every day felt like Holocaust Remembrance Day. My first teacher in my first year of Bar Mitzvah preparation was a survivor of a camp, I never found out which one. We’d seen her tattoo and I noticed her occasionally brushing her fingers against it. […]

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This is why Democrats need to start talking about impeachment now

This is why Democrats need to start talking about impeachment now

The time to make the case that Trump is corrupt and abusing his power is now Verily, I tell you: Democrats need to call for Donald Trump’s impeachment, despite the false hopes it might arouse, and they need to do it now. I’ve been insisting that Democrats need to talk about impeachment since late February, despite knowing it’s not even […]

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Tip the scales for justice: We need you to be a part of this

Tip the scales for justice: We need you to be a part of this

Keep The Sit and Spin Room going and spinning better all the time tl;dr: Consider becoming a “Sit and Spin Savior” by making a $5 (or more!) a month pledge: Want to be a Sit and Spin Savior by making a recurring monthly donation? Enter the amount you want to pay each month $ Sign up for Now, here’s why […]

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What is your O’Reilly Factor™?

What is your O’Reilly Factor™?

Here’s a handy way to help history know how big of a creep you are Bill O’Reilly really may be in trouble this time. As an occasionally offensive hack whose Twitter icon is a self-cleaning elephant, I’ll let the free market decide if the career of host of the interminable O’Reilly Factor should survive revelations that Fox News seems to […]

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