Author: LOLGOP

Forget ‘Awareness,’ President Trump, We Need Autism Acceptance

Forget ‘Awareness,’ President Trump, We Need Autism Acceptance

FYI: Fully funding research for autistic people of all ages would help a lot more than just sporting a pin Who can be mad at something as gauzy as “awareness,” especially when it’s tied to a serious disability like autism? Given that we’re faced with an administration who is looking to cut everything the government does to aid our physical […]

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Trump isn’t worse than George W. Bush or Richard Nixon — yet

Trump isn’t worse than George W. Bush or Richard Nixon — yet

Let’s save the nostalgia Understanding conservatism is Corey Robin’s specialty. His book The Reactionary Mind: Conservatism from Edmund Burke to Sarah Palin — which Robin is updating for a reissue this spring — posits that the defining thread the movement that now defines the Republican Party is “the felt experience of having power, seeing it threatened, and trying to win […]

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Call 785-368-8500 and let’s insure some Kansans

Call 785-368-8500 and let’s insure some Kansans

All Sam Brownback has to do is stop being Sam Brownback for a minute Republicans have a long history of sabotaging the ACA to the determent of their own constituents. About 5 million people could have health insurance right now if Republican states would just say “um, yeah” to Medicaid expansion. To punish Obama, red states including Texas, Florida and […]

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Trump scandals I had to ignore to focus on health care for two days

Trump scandals I had to ignore to focus on health care for two days

Just a snapshot of the insanity of about 40 hours in the Trump era We constantly talk about how we have to exist on two tracks — one that pretends that we have a functioning democracy and another where rising authoritarian kleptocracy is doing its best to help excuse Russia’s meddling in our election. So in the lead up to […]

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Who knew health care could be so complicated? — a brief history lesson from @JohnDingell

Who knew health care could be so complicated? — a brief history lesson from @JohnDingell

The Godfather of Universal Health Care puts the debate about uninsuring 24 million Americans in context [View the story “Who knew health care could be so complicated?” on Storify]

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The House is on the verge of voting to uninsure 24 million Americans — here’s what you can do about it

The House is on the verge of voting to uninsure 24 million Americans — here’s what you can do about it

Tax breaks for the rich paid for with ‘unspeakable misery for millions of American families’ Despite a report from the Congressional Budget Office that projects that the American Health Care Act will leave 24 million Americans uninsured while driving up costs for almost everyone who purchases insurance on their own, House Republicans have scheduled a vote on the bill for […]

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Why liberals can’t stop spreading conservative messages and retweeting Donald Trump

Why liberals can’t stop spreading conservative messages and retweeting Donald Trump

Or, how liberals helped make America more racist by negating Trump Now that RyanCare or TrumpCare or LoserCare is out, the obvious has been revealed: Trump voters — the 90 percent of them who aren’t rich — should know that they’re about to get screwed, royally. If you’re a liberal like me, your urge is to say, “Trump promised you […]

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Photo credit: Gage Skidmore

Trumpcare contains a brutal secret attack on the working poor

Mike Bishop, Fred Upton and Tim Walberg all voted to gut Medicaid. How many more Michigan Republicans will join them? Three Michigan Republicans voted to kill Medicaid expansion this week, which covers 640,000 Michiganders and adds an estimated 30,000 jobs to the state’s economy. The American Health Care Act AKA LoserCare passed out of the House Ways and Means Committee […]

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Never forget Paul Ryan’s massive cruelty

Never forget Paul Ryan’s massive cruelty

He’s willing to enable a dictatorship to live out his dream of transferring trillions to the richest How did a president who promised “insurance for everyone” end up backing a bill that will uninsure millions? The answer is simple: Paul Ryan. This doesn’t assume that Trump would want anything better or wants anything at all but massive tax-free gains for […]

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The House GOP plan to uninsure 20+ million is complete ‘f**kery’

The House GOP plan to uninsure 20+ million is complete ‘f**kery’

House Republicans plan to keep their ‘repeal and disgrace’ plan secret until the last possible moment First, the good news: Showing up and getting all up in your Representatives’ grills, especially during Congress’ recess, left elected officials “blown away.” Republicans still can’t agree a plan to replace the Affordable Care Act because, according to Politico, “the process has been bogged […]

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Why does the GOP want to cut the super rich’s taxes while raising taxes on the middle class?

Why does the GOP want to cut the super rich’s taxes while raising taxes on the middle class?

Here’s one question that every Republican at every town hall needs to be asked ASAP The GOP’s nameless Affordable Care Act “replacement” has been leaked after reportedly being pulled for review by the CBO because it was about to be scored as not adding any coverage over straight repeal and the numbers look atrocious. It is what we expected to […]

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