Author: LOLGOP

I honestly don’t believe that Trump voters want to take Nathaniel’s Medicaid

I honestly don’t believe that Trump voters want to take Nathaniel’s Medicaid

Most Trump voters do not yet comprehend the sort of mass cruelty Paul Ryan has planned for them Kim and Rich Rankin are the kind of people any voter should love. They called the boy with “soft eyes” who they adopted “Nathaniel,” which means “God’s gift” in Hebrew. “Adopting Nathaniel also meant taking on his host of medical issues,” Dom […]

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If the Affordable Care Act is saved, it will happen THIS week

If the Affordable Care Act is saved, it will happen THIS week

This is a serious ‘people should be in the streets with their flaming pitchforks of rage’ moment Here’s where we are at on repeal of the Affordable Care Act: It was supposed to happen on January 20. It didn’t. That’s good. Some Republicans in the Senate are demanding a replacement be passed along with repeal. Republicans can only lose 2 […]

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Some measured optimism for the Trump Era from the great John Dingell

Some measured optimism for the Trump Era from the great John Dingell

“He’s going to be amazed with what he can’t get away with. And you will too.” Institutions are all that Americans can rely on now to protect us from Trump’s sleep-starved, anti-democratic impulses. And John Dingell is an institution. That’s the thesis of my argument in USA Today that my former representative in Congress should be named to give the […]

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We’ve held off repeal of the ACA — but the millionaires are getting restless

We’ve held off repeal of the ACA — but the millionaires are getting restless

GOP still plans to replace insurance for 25 million with a ‘congratulations for your struggle’ You may not remember but Obamacare was supposed to be repealed by now. “The reality is that the ground has shifted enormously in a very short time,” Topher Spiro, Vice President for Health Policy, told me. “Right after the election, Republicans vowed to have a […]

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REMINDER: No one knows how to beat Donald Trump — yet

REMINDER: No one knows how to beat Donald Trump — yet

We know about as much about beating Trump as Ted Cruz — a Canadian who made an alliance with a birther Until the last drip of opium hits my bloodstream, I shall be eternally grateful to the organizers and participants of last Saturday’s Women’s March. In the most direct but charming way it warned our new president that he will […]

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REMINDER: The GOP wants to replace health insurance for 32 million Americans with a sad slogan

REMINDER: The GOP wants to replace health insurance for 32 million Americans with a sad slogan

Why would the GOP blindly take on the political risk of uninsuring tens of millions? Tax breaks, of course. It’s obvious why some Republican donors are beyond eager to get the Repeal part of the “Repeal and Replace” of Obamacare out of the way as soon as humanly – or inhumanly – possible. They have no “Replace.” Never did. The […]

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No, things aren’t going to be okay

No, things aren’t going to be okay

Not unless we fight like hell Here’s a tweet I think most of us can relate to: We need a Michelle Obama TV show — only needs to be 30 minutes each week — where she gives people hugs and tells us it's going to be ok. — Daniel Bentley (@DJBentley) January 13, 2017 Sounds like it would be a […]

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Here’s a little way for blue state liberals to make a big difference (without moving)

Here’s a little way for blue state liberals to make a big difference (without moving)

Adopt a blog for less than a dollar a day One big reason our democracy is in crisis? Our blue states are so damn nice. From the rolling curves of Puget Sound to the sandy dunes of Pismo Beach through the covered bridges of New England, you hear the advice that many Democrats offer as way to more effectively deploy […]

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Donald Trump explains why it’s okay to call Donald Trump a liar

Donald Trump explains why it’s okay to call Donald Trump a liar

“That wouldn’t have been true, but I would have said it anyway.” Donald Trump’s greatest asset is our good intentions. It may be his only asset that he hasn’t mortgaged. Who knows? We haven’t seen his tax returns. The latest example of Trump benefiting from the media’s fixation on the wrong hand in the sleight of hand trick is the […]

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Why Democratic politicians shy away from addressing race

Why Democratic politicians shy away from addressing race

Racism hurts everyone and until we start pointing that out, we can’t fix the economy Donald Trump isn’t going to give up “identity politics” — but some on the left think Democrats should about a “post-identity liberalism” in order to focus on winning over those 70,000 mostly white voters who gave Trump his narrow wins in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan, […]

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If the GOP guts Obamacare funding with tax breaks for the rich, it’s dead

If the GOP guts Obamacare funding with tax breaks for the rich, it’s dead

Any vote to repeal is a vote to uninsure millions and sentence America’s sick to untold misery Add America’s sick to the top of the list of those who will most be directly threatened by Donald Trump and the GOP. If the next Republican Congress guts the funding for the Affordable Care Act next month, which it almost all but […]

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