Author: LOLGOP

Trump’s victims never got the coverage they deserved

Trump’s victims never got the coverage they deserved

Even the ones who are voting for him Reporting on Donald Trump isn’t easy. He’s an unrepentant liar with no ambitions beyond power and fame. He has no need to ever find gainful employment again and no conscience to bind him to reality. While there is some evidence that fact checking is more effective than academics once believed, what Trump […]

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The clearest example of how Donald Trump could inspire ‘radical evil’

The clearest example of how Donald Trump could inspire ‘radical evil’

In the shitfan of this election, one maddening thing Donald Trump has been doing almost daily for 15 months is finally getting a little attention after he singled out NBC reporter Katy Tur for harassment of his enraged fans again on Wednesday. Really amazing reflection by @KatyTurNBC about what it was like to be taunted by Trump today in FL. […]

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Trump accidentally admitted how he’d lead us into another financial crisis

Trump accidentally admitted how he’d lead us into another financial crisis

The GOP nominee made a great argument for the aggressive regulation of markets and everyone missed it As Republicans have activated the classic 90s Clinton attack machine with the help of FBI director James Comey, it’s become clear that the GOP has decided that can fully accept Donald Trump. Some may argue that they’re motivated by the hatred of rich […]

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Possibly the worst thing ever said in a presidential debate

Possibly the worst thing ever said in a presidential debate

Immediately followed by one of the best It’s been a week since the last debate, but the horror of Donald Trump’s answer on reproductive rights is still sinking in. As Republicans have trained themselves to do, Fox News’ Chris Wallace focused the question of abortion on something that doesn’t exist — partial-birth abortion. “I think it’s terrible if you go […]

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What the hell can you do about it?

What the hell can you do about it?

It’s been a while since I’ve shared a Daily Show clip, but this one is worth checking out: A person you’ve never heard of — like Tomi Lahren — is delivering the news on Facebook to more people than all three network newscasts combined. Her message that America is under assault from anyone who believes that we actually have work […]

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Why white men may finally be turning on Trump

Why white men may finally be turning on Trump

Or, why it’s time for white men to start sending out some thank you cards Non-white non-males got it right away. Donald Trump is dangerous. At first, he’s dangerous the way every boss who leans in too close and stares way too long is dangerous. Then when you’re alone with him, he only gets worse. There’s a bittersweet gift to […]

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Hillary Clinton in Michigan August 11, 2016.

REMINDER: Hillary Clinton is extraordinarily popular — if you don’t count white people

While Trump is extraordinarily unpopular among everyone but conservatives and Republicans One of the most chewed-on pieces of cud in this election is the notion that even though Donald Trump is the most unpopular presidential candidate ever, both candidates are really hated. During the first episode of The Sit and Spin Room — our new podcast that features Eclectablog‘s Chris […]

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3 Turning Points on the Way to the ‘Most Progressive Year in California History’

3 Turning Points on the Way to the ‘Most Progressive Year in California History’

How Courage Campaign helped put the right and ‘corporate Democrats’ on their heels As I was lining my stomach in preparation for the vice presidential debate, I saw this tweet flutter down my Tweetdeck: .@JerryBrownGov signed EVERY SINGLE BILL we prioritized this year! THX 2 our members 4 making 2016 the most #progressive yr in #CA history! — CourageCampaign […]

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The “Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US” Election

The “Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US” Election

Donald Trump personifies everything that conservatives say is wrong with America Sorry, we have to deal with something the makes me a little nauseous. You’ve probably heard that Conservatives have been circulating an article calling 2016 “The Flight 93” election. You get the basic idea of the argument from the title, but here’s the crux: 2016 is the Flight 93 […]

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How Trump created a ‘safer space’ for sad white male trolls

How Trump created a ‘safer space’ for sad white male trolls

Even Trump’s “outreach” is coded to play to the worst stereotypes of the right It’s now almost impossible to tell the difference between Donald Trump and the hordes of online trolls who back him. He traffics in batshit conspiracy theories, stays up late to harass women online and then brags about it as a symbol of his virility. For a […]

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The Obamas are taking the threat of Trump seriously – and so should you

The Obamas are taking the threat of Trump seriously – and so should you

No period of progress in America has ever come without devastating push-back from the forces of conservatism The most popular person in American politics was out campaigning for Hillary Clinton this week – and so was her husband. “Elections aren’t just about who votes,” First Lady Michelle Obama told a crowd at La Salle University’s Tom Gola Arena in Philadelphia. […]

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