Author: LOLGOP

This poll should be a flaming warning for Republicans — and insurance companies

This poll should be a flaming warning for Republicans — and insurance companies

A USA Today/Rock the Vote poll reminds us that the phrase “young Republican” is an oxymoron: In the new survey, half of those under 35 say they identify with or lean toward the Democrats; just 20% identify with or lean toward the Republicans. Greg Sargent points out that you can’t blame this entirely on Donald Trump (though Republicans probably will […]

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If you care about the Supreme Court, you need Trump to go down in a landslide

If you care about the Supreme Court, you need Trump to go down in a landslide

For people who don’t hate their fellow citizens or fear refugees might be lurking in their drywall, there is an endless list of reasons to want Donald Trump to lose in a historic landslide that would at least reminiscent of Obama’s sweep of 2008 — coattails and all. Here are a few: Trump deserves nothing less and far worse If […]

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Trump’s biggest fans would also be some of Trump’s worst victims

Trump’s biggest fans would also be some of Trump’s worst victims

I’ve spent the last week attempting to develop some empathy for Donald Trump’s diehard supporters. Given what we’ve learned from the Department of Justice report about the racial bias in Baltimore Police Department, seeking the legitimate grievances of a movement that’s bent on deporting and immiserating millions feels like a luxury — a luxury I know that I can only […]

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Show us your taxes or pay for your own Secret Service protection

Show us your taxes or pay for your own Secret Service protection

If elected president, would Donald Trump defend our NATO allies if attacked as we’re obligated to by Article 5 of the NATO treaty? “If they fulfill their obligations to us, the answer is yes,” the GOP nominee said last month. Trump complained about our allies not meeting their financial obligations and questioning our need to protect him. Certainly, he’d hold […]

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REMINDER: Republicans were trying to steal this election and the courts stopped them

REMINDER: Republicans were trying to steal this election and the courts stopped them

The most openly racist GOP nominee ever is spewing the right’s most racist lies to attack voting rights The last few weeks has seen a series of victories for voting rights like we haven’t seen since 2012 — the last time the GOP tried to sway a presidential election by placing unnecessary burdens on voting. The Nation’s Ari Berman explains: […]

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This is why I’m excited about electing Hillary Clinton in 2016

This is why I’m excited about electing Hillary Clinton in 2016

If you don’t have some doubts about a candidate you’re supporting for the most important job in the world, you’re not an adult. And if you can’t tell the difference between a person who denies climate science, wants to deport 11 million people, reverse Roe v. Wade, target Americans based on religion, and take health insurance from 20 million Americans […]

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There has never been a more important election for the working poor

There has never been a more important election for the working poor

A vote for Trump is vote to rip health insurance from 10 million low-income Americans The greatest tragedy in American politics is that most poor people don’t vote. This dooms us to escalating wealth inequality that’s becoming indistinguishable from economic feudalism. And the second greatest tragedy is that that anyone might be tricked into suggesting that Donald Trump is somehow […]

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There is something you can do about it

There is something you can do about it

Four more Ruth Bader Ginsburgs or four more Samuel Alitos My wife doesn’t usually try to scare me on purpose. She knows I’m already prone to dreams in which Trump wins and we all end up with Vladimir Putin faces — like in that one Twilight Zone. So when she sent me this piece that’s going around by Tobias Stone, […]

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Trump has already made David Duke relevant again

Trump has already made David Duke relevant again

And he’s changing brains for the worse Donald Trump says America is a hellscape. Either he’s been spending too much time at Trump rallies — or he actually has a strategy that requires us to believe that historically low crime, record-high employment and the most secure border in generations are terrible things. If you’re masochistic like me you spend much […]

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How the media almost missed the hostile takeover of Michigan

How the media almost missed the hostile takeover of Michigan

Flint’s water, Detroit’s schools and the assault on democracy Elected officials can: a) call a meeting to order; b) approve the minutes; c) and adjourn the meeting. That’s democracy under Michigan’s Emergency Manager Law. Watch out. It could be coming to your state. At this year’s Netroots Nation, Eclectablog’s Chris Savage hosted a panel on “Flint and Detroit Public Schools: […]

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REMINDER: Republicans are still letting the working poor suffer and die

REMINDER: Republicans are still letting the working poor suffer and die

How would Andy Saas’ life be different if Obamacare had never become law and Kentucky’s former governor hadn’t accepted Medicaid expansion? “I would end up with no teeth in my face.” That’s what Saas told Politico’s Rachana Pradhan for a must-read investigation into the inequities of Medicaid expansion. A door-to-door meat salesperson who also runs recovery houses for former addicts, […]

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