Author: LOLGOP

5 sacred GOP beliefs even more unpopular than Trump

5 sacred GOP beliefs even more unpopular than Trump

It’s GOP platform time, when America gets reminded that the Republicans who are ruining acres of underwear with their fears that Trump is ruining their brand were doing a fantastic job on their own. We’re often told how unpopular Donald Trump is — and it’s true. He’s the least popular candidate on record. But he’s practically SuperReagan Pokémon Kardashian compared to […]

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It’s time to tear the GOP apart — and possibly take the House

It’s time to tear the GOP apart — and possibly take the House

Why Democrats must force Trump to take a stand on Ryan’s plan to end Medicare and raise the retirement age In retrospect, Mitt Romney did a couple of very smart things in 2012. He junked a dopey video Donald Trump made for the GOP convention and he hid Paul Ryan during the last weeks of the election. Donald Trump in […]

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Attention, Michigan: This is how the GOP is planning on stealing this election

Attention, Michigan: This is how the GOP is planning on stealing this election

And what you can do about it Why would Michigan’s Republicans pass a law that eliminates straight-ticket voting, a law twice rejected by voters, without allowing all Michiganders access to absentee ballots that would allow us the time to consider the many new choices we’ll be making at the polls? It’s about hopelessness, Rep. Brenda Lawrence said at a Voting […]

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The one word we have to use to describe Trump’s racism — ‘strategic’

The one word we have to use to describe Trump’s racism — ‘strategic’

Trump is using racism to scam white voters and make them poorer. And he’s doing it the same way conservatives have for decades. Donald Trump could lose by 10 percent, Democrats could take the House and this election could still have been a missed opportunity. We must use this unprecedented moment to expose right wing’s most effective tactic in tearing […]

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Maybe we are underestimating the power of misogyny

Maybe we are underestimating the power of misogyny

What if the Dilbert guy is right? Donald Trump gave a “bizarre, lie-ridden fantasy” of a speech attacking Hillary Clinton on Wednesday. And according to his target audience, it wasn’t just good. It was a literal knockout. Dilbert-creator Scott Adams has become the spokesman of the generally older, white, male-r people who take great erotic pleasure in the rise of […]

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Let’s raise Rick Snyder’s taxes

Let’s raise Rick Snyder’s taxes

It may be our only way to “thank” him for all he’s done In a private ceremony on Tuesday, Rick Snyder signed the Detroit Public School’s “rescue” bill into law. The bill abandoned 15 months of bi-partisan negotiations in favor a giveaway to the charter school industry with almost no accountability. Meanwhile, for the third straight summer, residents of Flint […]

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REMINDER: This election is also about whether millions gain health insurance or tens of millions will lose it

REMINDER: This election is also about whether millions gain health insurance or tens of millions will lose it

Medicaid expansion and the ending of discrimination against people with pre-existing conditions are the greatest victories for working Americans in generations Rejoice, fellow Americans who don’t enjoying seeing your fellow Americans die of indifference! More than 200,000 Louisianians will have health insurance on July 1 because the state elected a Democratic governor last year. And this could just be the […]

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After Trump’s terrible two weeks, expect a ‘comeback’ but prepare for a landslide

After Trump’s terrible two weeks, expect a ‘comeback’ but prepare for a landslide

Donald Trump wrapped up the Republican nomination and instead of exploiting a 6-week head start, he preceded to frack deep into his soul to new depths. Listing his foibles would take weeks so let’s sum up the highlights: He attacked his party’s most prominent elected Latina; he spent a full week explaining that an American-born judge couldn’t be fair because […]

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The magic words every candidate should say: ‘We must study gun violence’

The magic words every candidate should say: ‘We must study gun violence’

The GOP is using the worst kind of ‘political correctness’ to keep us from doing anything to reduce gun deaths President Obama is sick of you pretending that we can crush ISIL by just employing the perfect slur. “What exactly would using this label accomplish?” he asked. “What exactly would it change? Would it make ISIL less committed to kill […]

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The 2016 election will be about what it really means to be strong

The 2016 election will be about what it really means to be strong

Why ‘Grace’ could do to Trump what ‘Stage’ did to Romney When Donald Trump was confronted with evidence that he lied about “thousands” of American Muslims celebrating 9/11, what did he do? At a campaign rally in November, he viciously mocked Serge Kovaleski — a disabled reporter who covered the aftermath the terror attack for the Washington Post — for […]

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Zika is why America could use an actual ‘pro-life’ movement right now

Zika is why America could use an actual ‘pro-life’ movement right now

An open letter to my friends on the religious right Dear pro-lifers: I know you’re busy tricking women into thinking they’re getting reproductive health care, trying to deny women access to birth control and making sure teenagers only learn about sex by reading the comments on Breitbart dot com. But we could really use your help right now. It’s called […]

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