Author: LOLGOP

It’s Not Your Freedom You’re Worried About, It’s Theirs

It’s Not Your Freedom You’re Worried About, It’s Theirs

This isn’t your Braveheart moment. A defining feature of the most oblivious critics of President Obama is that they say that America’s is losing its “freedom.” Ask them what freedoms we have lost since he became president and your answer will probably start with, “Now I have to buy health insurance!” True, the insurance mandate—which begins in 2014—will pay charge […]

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President Obama Is Not Impressed

President Obama Is Not Impressed

Mitt Romney’s tax breaks did not win the last election. The GOP is still at war with facts, ObamaCare health insurance exchanges and Planned Parenthood. But when it comes to the Bush tax breaks for the rich, Republicans want a pass. President Obama extended the Bush tax cuts for all Americans in 2010 to order to secure the only job […]

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The Not-So Secret Path To A Democratic Majority: Medicaid Expansion

The Not-So Secret Path To A Democratic Majority: Medicaid Expansion

Yes, Ronald Reagan Socialized Medicine In The United States There are two dirty secrets in American politics. The first is that the GOP is the real “food stamp party”. The second is that we already pay for each other’s health care in the dumbest possible way, thanks to Ronald Reagan. Every time an uninsured person waits to the last possible […]

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Why We Have To Start Thinking About 2014 Now

Why We Have To Start Thinking About 2014 Now

We’re not getting Obama on the ballot until Malia is ready 2012 was extraordinarily important election because it decided whether ObamaCare would be maimed before it could even go into effect. However, whether the law gets funded and properly will be a constant question because of an election too many Americans just skipped—2010. Republicans got about 500,000 fewer votes for […]

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Karl Rove Begins To Give His Excuses For Wasting $300 Million Of Other People’s Money

Karl Rove Begins To Give His Excuses For Wasting $300 Million Of Other People’s Money

And I would have gotten away with if it weren’t for that pesky Superstorm! In 2000, Karl Rove predicted George W. Bush would win 320 electoral votes. Bush won 271–if you count Florida. In 2006, he said he had “THE math” that showed the GOP would keep the House of Representatives. They lost 30 seats and the House. In 2008, […]

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Corporations Are Fact Checkers, My Friend

Corporations Are Fact Checkers, My Friend

REMINDER: Our last two Republican businessman presidents were Herbert Hoover and George W. Bush Imagine being so full of bullshit that you turn everyone around you into a fact checker—it’s almost like a fable or a Greek myth. But it’s also become our presidential election. You know the man I’m talking about. The world’s record holder for Politifact Pants-on-Fire awards, […]

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Did Mitt Romney Just Surrender Ohio?

Did Mitt Romney Just Surrender Ohio?

Clear eyes. Full heart. Can’t win Ohio. Mitt Romney’s campaign has been doing the Charlie Sheen-iest to pretend they’re winning. But the facts are pretty obvious. If they can’t win Ohio, Wisconsin and Nevada, they’re done. Romney has never led in Ohio. President Obama has basically been running for “President of Ohio,” as Jon Stewart calls it for four years. […]

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President Obama’s Second Term Will Transform America In Favor Of The Middle Class

President Obama’s Second Term Will Transform America In Favor Of The Middle Class

Sure, but AFTER 30 million Americans get health insurance, what then? If Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are elected, they plan to engineer the largest transfer of wealth from the middle class to the rich in American history. Sure George W. Bush cut taxes on the rich, which led to the greatest inequality since before the Great Depression. But he […]

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What Eminem Would Do To Mitt Romney Tonight

What Eminem Would Do To Mitt Romney Tonight

WARNING: The videos on this post feature some NSFW language Yesterday, I joked that President Obama would probably set the world’s record for listening to Eminem’s ‘Lose Yourself’ in the next 24 hours. No song better sums up the pressure of facing a do-or-die moment where everything depends on your performance. You remember: Business Insider‘s The Stalwart — a great […]

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Don’t Help Mitt Romney Win

Don’t Help Mitt Romney Win

For the next few weeks, act like a Republican Republicans must be nervous. Just as he did before the Ryan/Biden debate, Matt Drudge is going after the moderator of the next debate. This is what Republicans do. They do everything to raise doubts when they may lose and, when they lose, they never admit defeat. As Joe Biden was walloping […]

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Joe Biden’s 2-Minute Explanation Of The Economy That Every American Needs To See

Joe Biden’s 2-Minute Explanation Of The Economy That Every American Needs To See

Here’s some good news: The most watched moment of the vice-presidential debate also appears to be one of Joe Biden’s best. When the subject finally turned to the economy, the vice-president gave a two-minute answer that did three crucial things. First, it gave a cohesive narrative of the economy over the last four years, then he called out Mitt Romney’s […]

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