Author: Amy Lynn Smith

Show Eclectablog some love

Show Eclectablog some love

Put your money where your mouth is, please. The other day, a friend and I were talking about how important it is to have an informed electorate. I mentioned Eclectablog and she exclaimed, “I love that blog!” My friend knows full well I’m a contributor, but this wasn’t about me. It was about Eclectablog being a resource for people who […]

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ACLU of Michigan files formal complaint over Catholic hospital’s denial of care

ACLU of Michigan files formal complaint over Catholic hospital’s denial of care

Complaint filed with state licensing agency demands investigation and discipline for failure to provide potentially life-saving procedure. After repeated refusals by Catholic-owned Genesys Hospital to adhere to medical standards and perform a potentially life-saving procedure on a pregnant woman, the American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan has filed a formal complaint with a state licensing agency. The complaint, filed with […]

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Attacks on Planned Parenthood continue despite no evidence of illegal activity

Attacks on Planned Parenthood continue despite no evidence of illegal activity

Between a nationwide protest on Saturday and a pledge from lawmakers to keep digging for evidence of wrongdoing, the healthcare organization faces ongoing scrutiny. Facts are facts, but opponents of Planned Parenthood won’t let a little thing like the truth get in their way. Instead, they’d rather keep wasting taxpayer resources and harassing patients seeking legal healthcare services. As Chris […]

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Michigan legislators seek to outlaw safest abortion method for many women

Michigan legislators seek to outlaw safest abortion method for many women

By dictating decisions that should be strictly between a woman and her doctor, Republicans could put women’s health at risk. In yet another shameful intrusion into women’s personal decisions about their health and their lives, Republicans in the Michigan House want to outlaw the safest form of abortion performed after 14 weeks. On Tuesday, October 13 at 9 a.m., the […]

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Democrats call for action on domestic violence bills languishing in Michigan Legislature

Democrats call for action on domestic violence bills languishing in Michigan Legislature

Michigan Republicans have taken no steps to advance legislation introduced in March. Michigan House Republicans are wasting no time pushing through anti-choice abortion coercion legislation they claim is in the best interests of women, even though it doesn’t protect women from more common types of reproductive coercion, a form of domestic abuse. Yet the Republican-led Legislature has been sitting on a package […]

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Deceptive anti-choice ‘abortion coercion’ bills headed to a vote in the Michigan House

Deceptive anti-choice ‘abortion coercion’ bills headed to a vote in the Michigan House

These bills aren’t about protecting women from reproductive control. They are about satisfying anti-abortion activists. As early as this week, the Michigan Legislature could vote on a pair of bills that would criminalize the act of forcing a woman to have an abortion. Although we can all agree abortion coercion is a bad thing, it’s not the problem Right to […]

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ACLU files lawsuit against Catholic health system for failing to provide emergency care to pregnant women

ACLU files lawsuit against Catholic health system for failing to provide emergency care to pregnant women

Catholic hospital systems don’t adhere to accepted medical standards, and the ACLU is demanding an end to this religious exemption with a federal lawsuit. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the ACLU of Michigan announced a federal lawsuit filed today on behalf of their members against Trinity Health Corporation, one of the largest Catholic health systems in the country, […]

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#PinkOut Day Facts: How defunding Planned Parenthood would put health and lives at risk

#PinkOut Day Facts: How defunding Planned Parenthood would put health and lives at risk

While anti-choice activists try to take down the organization with misinformation, it’s imperative to defend the facts. For #PinkOut Day, the most important thing I can share is the truth. The truth is something supporters of Planned Parenthood like me have on our side. While opponents peddle lies, all we have to do is tell the truth. I wrote the […]

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Lady Parts Justice and V to Shining V unite diverse voices in support of reproductive justice

Lady Parts Justice and V to Shining V unite diverse voices in support of reproductive justice

Feminist activist Mira Krishnan celebrates the many viewpoints coming together for a good cause. Women make up 51 percent of America’s population, so why aren’t we a bigger force to be reckoned with? That’s a question many of us have been asking. But Mira Krishnan may just have the answer — and if she’s right, Lady Parts Justice could be […]

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Catholic hospital refuses to provide potentially life-saving procedure for pregnant woman

Catholic hospital refuses to provide potentially life-saving procedure for pregnant woman

Michigan woman with a brain tumor is denied care that would be standard at any non-Catholic hospital. A Catholic hospital in Michigan is denying a pregnant woman care on the basis of religious principles, ignoring the life-threatening implications of their refusal to adhere to medical standards. Jessica Mann, a pregnant woman with a life-threatening brain tumor, requested an exception to […]

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Michigan Legislature takes up bills that put government between women and doctors

Michigan Legislature takes up bills that put government between women and doctors

Take action: Tell Michigan lawmakers to stop the attacks on women’s health and trust women to make their own choices. UPDATE: Committee vote on coercive abortion bills scheduled for the morning of Tuesday, September 29. Contact the committee immediately and request a NO vote on House Bills 4787 and 4830. Details in the original post below. They still haven’t figured […]

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