Author: Amy Lynn Smith

UPDATED: A Supreme Court decision against Obamacare “would be a serious danger to my husband’s health,” says woman

UPDATED: A Supreme Court decision against Obamacare “would be a serious danger to my husband’s health,” says woman

If SCOTUS eliminates the ACA’s tax credits, Dolly and Chip would no longer be able to afford insurance — and the consequences could be life-threatening. UPDATE: After this story was posted, Dolly resubmitted an application for Medicaid and she and her husband were accepted into the program based on their very low income. So although they are no longer at […]

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An inside view of what’s next in health reform, from Health Action 2015

An inside view of what’s next in health reform, from Health Action 2015

There’s nothing like a conference full of health advocates to remind you how far we’ve come — and how far we have to go. If you think the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is all there is to health reform, you could not be more wrong. It’s understandable, I suppose, that folks who don’t work in health advocacy might not be […]

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Young woman with a heart condition can finally get the care she needs thanks to the ACA

Young woman with a heart condition can finally get the care she needs thanks to the ACA

A hospital denied her treatment after a stroke because she didn’t have insurance, but Obamacare changed all that. When Jae Stewart was 14 years old, she collapsed in the gym while playing basketball. The doctors said she had a heart murmur and sent her on her way, but little did Jae know this was the beginning of a lifetime of […]

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Day 4: First quarter fundraiser – We represent you, the people

Day 4: First quarter fundraiser – We represent you, the people

Independent journalists like Team Eclectablog tell you what you need to know — and we tell it like it is. Have you ever watched cable news or read a mainstream media post and wondered who was paying them to slant the story? The influence of corporate sponsors happens on both sides of the aisle at some networks and news outlets. […]

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MI Lead coalition launches to give women a stronger voice in Michigan

MI Lead coalition launches to give women a stronger voice in Michigan

More than 30 organizations are engaged in the bipartisan initiative to empower women and ensure gender equality. Women make up more than half of Michigan’s population, yet they are facing some significant challenges. That’s the reason for the creation of the MI Lead coalition, a bipartisan group dedicated to protecting women’s rights and empowering women by giving them more say […]

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Man living with AIDS finds better insurance that does more and costs less, thanks to the ACA

Man living with AIDS finds better insurance that does more and costs less, thanks to the ACA

His premiums are $500 less per month and there’s zero co-pay for the expensive medicine he needs to stay alive. When your life depends on taking your medication on time, every single day, it’s not something you take chances with. As a man living with AIDS, Dan Waszak was willing to pay as much as $1,480 a month for health […]

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“The ACA is lifesaving for me,” says man being treated for a brain tumor

“The ACA is lifesaving for me,” says man being treated for a brain tumor

His medical bills would bankrupt him without insurance, which he might not have been able to buy before Obamacare. Things were looking good for David Wenzel in 2009. He was in the midst of starting his own business, which meant no longer having to work for someone else. But then he got the worse possible news: David was diagnosed with […]

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Working America Health Care has got you covered — before, during and after enrollment

Working America Health Care has got you covered — before, during and after enrollment

If you haven’t signed up for health insurance yet, this program is a great way to go. The clock is ticking on 2015 open enrollment for health insurance. With the February 15th deadline approaching fast, the time to act is now if you’re not already covered. But getting health insurance is only the beginning. Then you have to put your […]

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The Affordable Care Act gives Virginia woman the freedom to pursue her dream

The Affordable Care Act gives Virginia woman the freedom to pursue her dream

This entrepreneur was able to start her own business thanks to Obamacare. Lisa Kaneff has always considered herself a writer. In fact, that’s how she’s always introduced herself to people. But she wasn’t living that dream to the fullest, until the Affordable Care Act (ACA) made it possible. Before the ACA, Lisa was working in public relations and marketing as […]

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Having faced a medical bankruptcy, Republican has a change of heart about the ACA

Having faced a medical bankruptcy, Republican has a change of heart about the ACA

Seeing other people’s success stories convinced her to look into getting covered — and she’s glad she did. UPDATED. See below. When health insurance became available through last year, Theresa had her doubts about the Affordable Care Act (ACA). As a fiercely independent small business owner — and a Republican — the only news she saw about Obamacare was […]

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Functional Medicine: The vision of healthcare reform put into practice

Functional Medicine: The vision of healthcare reform put into practice

In the bigger picture of healthcare reform, a clinical approach that prioritizes wellness over treatment is exactly what we need. Over at my personal blog, I recently wrote about my experience with Functional Medicine and how it’s overhauled my health. Although it’s not brand-new, Functional Medicine is an approach to care that’s rapidly gaining acceptance — and for good reason. […]

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