Author: Amy Lynn Smith

Snyder administration dodges questions like potholes, refuses to respond to FOIA request

Snyder administration dodges questions like potholes, refuses to respond to FOIA request

Same-day service! Governor’s office wastes no time saying “no” to request from ProgressNow and Progress Michigan. Regular readers of Eclectablog know that Chris Savage has been regularly calling out Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder on his lack of transparency. You can read some of that coverage HERE, HERE and HERE. And Chris is not the only one. Gov. Snyder promised transparency […]

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When will Americans wake up and smell the money?

When will Americans wake up and smell the money?

Anyone who thinks that the wealthy who are buying elections are doing it to help the country is in for a rude awakening. The U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission is a staggering blow to democracy. But it’s certainly not the only obstacle average Americans face in the fight to maintain a fair election process. Because […]

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Michigan woman wants people to know the truth about Obamacare: “It saved us”

Michigan woman wants people to know the truth about Obamacare: “It saved us”

She and her husband found insurance for just $227/month. What are you waiting for? 2014 enrollment ends March 31. Dawn Erina is frustrated with all the lies she’s heard about the Affordable Care Act (ACA). That’s because she knows first-hand what a difference having affordable health insurance can make in someone’s life. Her husband, Leonard, lost his job last year. […]

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Medicaid expansion comes to Michigan April 1: What you need to know

Medicaid expansion comes to Michigan April 1: What you need to know

It should have come sooner, but let’s just be glad it’s finally happening. Finally, Michigan’s expanded Medicaid program is almost here. I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the fact that Medicaid expansion was delayed by four months because the Republican-led Michigan Senate refused to give it immediate effect — and Gov. Snyder did none of the things in his […]

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VIDEO: Lizz Winstead — with puppets! — on why bosses should stay out of our bedrooms

VIDEO: Lizz Winstead — with puppets! — on why bosses should stay out of our bedrooms

What’s at stake in the Hobby Lobby case and others is serious. But a little humor never hurt anybody. The U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments on two cases — Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. and Conestoga Wood Specialties Corp. v. Sebelius — on March 25. These cases, which challenge the Affordable Care Act’s birth control mandate, will […]

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If SCOTUS rules that corporations are religions, personal and patient rights will be in jeopardy

If SCOTUS rules that corporations are religions, personal and patient rights will be in jeopardy

Consider how Citizens United has amplified the power of corporate interests in elections. A ruling in favor of Hobby Lobby would do the same to religion. Hobby Lobby wants to have its cake and eat it, too. A for-profit corporation, Hobby Lobby also wants to have the rights of a religious organization when it comes to providing birth control coverage […]

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Student celebrates the ACA’s 4th birthday with the gift of coverage for $5.23/month

Student celebrates the ACA’s 4th birthday with the gift of coverage for $5.23/month

Obamacare is here to stay, but open enrollment for 2014 ends March 31. Don’t wait to get covered! On March 23, 2014, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) celebrates its fourth anniversary of being signed into law. Also known as Obamacare, the law has helped millions of Americans obtain affordable, quality coverage — many for the first time. According to, […]

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Right to Life proves they will stop at nothing, which is why we have to stop them

Right to Life proves they will stop at nothing, which is why we have to stop them

An extremist group’s rights don’t get to trump everyone else’s, unless we let them. I’m utterly disgusted by Right to Life of Michigan’s latest crusade, this time against U.S. Representative Gary Peters and his daughters. Now I truly understand how disgusted and outraged my parents were when an evangelical relative showed me photos of aborted fetuses when I was 10 […]

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Could you get health insurance for $56/month? This Michigan man did

Could you get health insurance for $56/month? This Michigan man did

He’s one of the 17 million Americans eligible for financial assistance to make coverage more affordable. Find out if you are, too — before the March 31 deadline. Michael Paul Goldenberg has lived without health insurance since 2009 — almost as long as he’s had type 2 diabetes. The Ann Arbor, Mich.-based part-time math teacher and consultant lost his insurance […]

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Planned Parenthood Advocates of Michigan has its eye on elected officials

Planned Parenthood Advocates of Michigan has its eye on elected officials

New campaign will hold elected officials accountable for voting against the best interests of women and their health. Feeling frustrated or discouraged over the new abortion insurance law that went into effect in Michigan this week? Well, here’s something to lift your spirits — and revive your determination to fight. Planned Parenthood Advocates of Michigan (PPAM) has launched a comprehensive […]

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Michigan women who can’t afford abortions no longer have a choice

Michigan women who can’t afford abortions no longer have a choice

Thanks to Right to Life and Michigan Republicans, elective abortion is effectively outlawed for women who can’t afford it. This is a historic week for Michigan women, and not in a good way. It’s the week the Abortion Insurance Opt-Out Act becomes law, forcing women to buy a separate insurance policy just in case they might need an abortion one […]

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