Author: Amy Lynn Smith

Join me in wishing Chris Savage the happiest of birthdays!

Join me in wishing Chris Savage the happiest of birthdays!

Let’s celebrate who he is and all he does. I can think of no better way to pay tribute to Chris Savage than to write a few words for him — here, on the blog he created and contributes to almost every single day of the year. I owe a lot to Chris. So do the countless Michiganders he stands […]

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Bobby McKenzie and the DCCC are optimistic about Michigan’s 11th Congressional District

Bobby McKenzie and the DCCC are optimistic about Michigan’s 11th Congressional District

Named an Emerging District in the DCCC’s Red to Blue program, MI-11 could be a winner for Democrats. On Monday, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) announced the first 35 districts in its Red to Blue program. These candidates — which include Jerry Cannon (MI-01) and Pam Byrnes (MI-07) — have earned a spot on Red to Blue by surpassing […]

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Congressman Dan Kildee on Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette’s anti-ACA crusade

Congressman Dan Kildee on Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette’s anti-ACA crusade

I spoke with Rep. Kildee about AG Schuette’s decision to join an anti-ACA lawsuit that could cost Michiganders millions. Last week, the news broke that Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette had signed on to a federal lawsuit that would raise taxes by eliminating tax credits available under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). So far, 86 percent of the Michiganders who […]

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UPDATED: Conduct unbecoming: Par for the course with Michigan Congressman Kerry Bentivolio

UPDATED: Conduct unbecoming: Par for the course with Michigan Congressman Kerry Bentivolio

By tacit approval, Rep. Bentivolio endorses disparaging comments made by staffer Tim Bos about Rep. John Dingell. UPDATE: Rep. Bentivolio’s office responds. See below. When the news broke that U.S. Congressman John Dingell was retiring, social media was buzzing at full tilt. Almost to a person, everyone I saw comment on the news was respectful of Rep. Dingell’s longstanding service […]

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Michigan AG Schuette seeks to raise taxes, deny health insurance to citizens

Michigan AG Schuette seeks to raise taxes, deny health insurance to citizens

By joining an anti-ACA lawsuit, Michigan panders to Tea Party extremists at the expense of the middle class. It’s no secret that Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette and Michigan Republicans detest the Affordable Care Act (ACA). They’ve done everything they can to discredit or dismantle the law known as Obamacare, out of disdain for President Obama and what they consider […]

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Detroiter gets health insurance for just 22 cents a month

Detroiter gets health insurance for just 22 cents a month

Financial assistance helped this 63-year-old find coverage she can afford. Elsie Brown of Detroit spent nearly 30 years of her life working hard, but when she was laid off she lost her health insurance. After her COBRA ran out, she went nearly two years without health insurance — a risky proposition for someone with high blood pressure and diabetes, both […]

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Republicans maintain a laser-like focus on Obamacare misinformation campaign

Republicans maintain a laser-like focus on Obamacare misinformation campaign

GOP Congressmen Walberg and Bentivolio are so busy trying to discredit the ACA, how can they have time for anything else? How many Obamacare “horror stories” have to be debunked for people to realize that the GOP spin machine is pedaling so hard it’s about ready to rotate off its axis? Better yet, let’s call it what it is: lying. […]

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Religious and personal liberty: It’s not just for Christians

Religious and personal liberty: It’s not just for Christians

What’s happening in Kansas is particularly reprehensible, but discriminatory laws in the name of religion are a troubling national trend. I admit, I don’t know much about Kansas aside from The Wizard of the Oz. Dorothy was sure eager to get out of there. The good-hearted girl would be even more desperate to escape these days, I’d wager. The eyes […]

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David Trott’s millionaire donors include GOP class clown Donald Trump

David Trott’s millionaire donors include GOP class clown Donald Trump

If you want to position yourself as an alternative to Tea Party zealot Rep. Kerry Bentivolio, maybe associating with Donald Trump isn’t the best idea. We’re judged by the company we keep, and Republican Congressional candidate David Trott is making his allegiances known. The latest report from the Federal Election Commission (FEC) shows plenty of contributions to Trott for Congress, […]

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Meet a ‘young invincible’ who got covered under Obamacare for $20 a month

Meet a ‘young invincible’ who got covered under Obamacare for $20 a month

At age 31, he already knows how much it costs to go without health insurance. Eddie Mulak couldn’t wait to get covered. He is among the millions of Americans who went from being uninsured to having health insurance on January 1, 2014. And it’s only costing him $20 a month. Unlike many of his fellow young Americans, who are expected […]

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The 2014 State of the Union: Let’s make this a year of action

The 2014 State of the Union: Let’s make this a year of action

From my view inside the White House, I saw what every other American watching the President’s speech did: true leadership. I believe in the dream of America. I always have. So has President Obama, which is why he’s always had my support. In his 2014 State of the Union address, he made it clear that his optimism is unwavering. Despite […]

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