Author: Eclectablog

[CC image credit: Thomas Hawk | Flickr]

Why are Republicans celebrating the Mueller report?

The following essay was written by Mike Wagner. Mike is a musician who lives in Texas. He is the composer of the Flint Water Crisis theme music, from the song Unclaimed, used for our podcast, The GOTMFV Show. Let me get this straight. In regards to Individual 1, this is what we learned from the Mueller investigation and related cases: […]

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Why Democrats should actively fight for stronger unions & a higher minimum wage: Low unemployment + low wages = Corporate utopia

Why Democrats should actively fight for stronger unions & a higher minimum wage: Low unemployment + low wages = Corporate utopia

On this week’s podcast, we talked to David Pepper, the Chair of the Ohio Democratic Party, about the fact that Donald Trump is the most anti-worker president we’ve ever had. The truth is, America in 2019 is corporate utopia. We have almost everyone working and wages remain low. How is this possible, you might ask? How is it that wages […]

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John Engler has gone from an embarrassment to the state of Michigan to a cocky & smug liability to Michigan State

John Engler has gone from an embarrassment to the state of Michigan to a cocky & smug liability to Michigan State

I have always had special disdain for former Michigan governor John Engler. He was the grandfather of the corporatist right’s attacks on organized labor while he was in office and his repugnant legacy is something that we still deal with today. So I was shocked, dismayed, and outraged that the Michigan State University Board of Trustees chose Engler to be […]

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First Trump told union members they make too much money. Now he says they should cut their own throats.

First Trump told union members they make too much money. Now he says they should cut their own throats.

In August of 2015, the year before he was elected president, Donald Trump had a clear and concise message for auto workers: You make too much money. He said U.S. automakers could shift production away from Michigan to communities where autoworkers would make less. “You can go to different parts of the United States and then ultimately you’d do full-circle […]

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A POLITICAL PAWS: Will you please vote for our Eclectadog Suni and send a positive message about rescued dogs (esp. pit bulls)?

A POLITICAL PAWS: Will you please vote for our Eclectadog Suni and send a positive message about rescued dogs (esp. pit bulls)?

NOTE: This contest is now over and voting is complete. Suni DID make it into the Top Ten so thank you : ) This handsome fellow is Suni and he’s one of our three rescued Eclectadogs. They’re all pit bulls, a dog breed that is sadly much maligned with a totally undeserved (bad) reputation. The truth is, I’ve had a […]

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House Republicans repeatedly reminded America yesterday that Michael Cohen lied when he said Trump was not a criminal

House Republicans repeatedly reminded America yesterday that Michael Cohen lied when he said Trump was not a criminal

Not sure how this helps, folks… “You’re about to go to prison for lying. How can we believe anything you say? The answer is we can’t.” That was House Republican Rep. Carol Miller from West Virginia at yesterday’s hearing with Trump fixer Michael Cohen who is going to prison, in part, for lying to Congress in 2017. During the hearing, […]

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While Trump lays down multiple smoke screens to shield them, it’s business as usual for anti-environment, anti-worker, corporatist Republicans

While Trump lays down multiple smoke screens to shield them, it’s business as usual for anti-environment, anti-worker, corporatist Republicans

The Great Orange Smoke Screen The front pages of any major news outlet, online or otherwise, are full of news of Donald Trump and the corrupt, inept-yet-frighteningly-effective cabal of criminals that make up his administration and circle of advisors. Nearly 40 people tied to him, his administration, his inauguration, and his campaign have been indicted and more are sure to […]

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The nation mourns the passing of John Dingell, a political giant with a heart the size of the Great Lakes

The nation mourns the passing of John Dingell, a political giant with a heart the size of the Great Lakes

I am indescribably sad this morning. Although those of us who interacted with John Dingell on a somewhat regular basis knew this day would come, his passing has still taken my breath away. It goes without saying that John Dingell, the longest-serving member of the United States House of Representatives in American history, was a political giant. He played a […]

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The new women leaders of Michigan are showing Democrats EVERYWHERE how to get down to the business of governing

The new women leaders of Michigan are showing Democrats EVERYWHERE how to get down to the business of governing

In 2018, over half of the Democratic candidates for the state legislature and Congress who won their primary and went on to the general election in Michigan were women. When you talk about women finally getting parity in terms of high elected office (or ANY elected office, for that matter), there’s only one political party who is even close to […]

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A little “locker room talk” from a Democrat has Republicans’ ladies undergarments all in a twist

A little “locker room talk” from a Democrat has Republicans’ ladies undergarments all in a twist

Rashida Tlaib had the audacity to invoke what Dan Savage has been saying for two years with his hashtag #ITMFA (“Impeach the motherfucker already”) when she made comments to a group of MoveOn activists yesterday and, to hear the Republicans’ response to it, you’d think she had said it during the half-time show at the Superbowl. “People love you. And […]

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Consultant: Snyder administration officials responsible for poisoned Flint drinking water

Consultant: Snyder administration officials responsible for poisoned Flint drinking water

Testimony during a preliminary exam of several people indicted on charges related to the poisoning of Flint, Michigan’s drinking water with the powerful neurotoxin lead this week revealed that officials in the Snyder administration called the shots on how the water treatment plant would be run. The plant was taken out of mothballs in order to treat Flint River water […]

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