Author: Eclectablog

UPDATED: Vice President Mike Pence invites Christian “rabbi” formerly of Jews for Jesus to give the invocation during Michigan campaign stop

UPDATED: Vice President Mike Pence invites Christian “rabbi” formerly of Jews for Jesus to give the invocation during Michigan campaign stop

I don’t know how to describe this exactly. It may be the most insulting thing anyone in the Trump administration or campaign has done to Jewish Americans. Mike Pence invited “Rabbi” Loren Jacobs to give the invocation at his Michigan campaign stop today. Jacobs is actually a Christian who leads a group who call themselves Messianic Jews. He spent eight […]

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Want REAL democracy in Michigan for EVERYONE? Vote YES on Proposal 2 for #AFreshMichigan.

Want REAL democracy in Michigan for EVERYONE? Vote YES on Proposal 2 for #AFreshMichigan.

Better roads. Cleaner water. Real Democracy. This post is part of a new project at Eclectablog called “A Fresh Michigan”. Our goal is to help people understand the astonishing impact they can have on the future of our state by supporting the three statewide ballot proposals along with Sam Bagenstos and Megan Kathleen Cavanagh for the State Supreme Court. You […]

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Vote YES on Proposal 1 for #AFreshMichigan

Vote YES on Proposal 1 for #AFreshMichigan

Better roads. Cleaner water. Real Democracy. This post is part of a new project at Eclectablog called “A Fresh Michigan”. Our goal is to help people understand the astonishing impact they can have on the future of our state by supporting the three statewide ballot proposals along with Sam Bagenstos and Megan Kathleen Cavanagh for the State Supreme Court. You […]

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Change is good (unless it’s Fred Upton changing)

Change is good (unless it’s Fred Upton changing)

The following essay was written by Ben Zylman who lives in Michigan’s 6th Congressional District and is “represented” by Congressman Fred Upton. I use quotes around “represented” intentionally and you’ll come to understand why when you read Ben’s piece. Enjoy. I’m not the kind of person who ever thought I’d write a political opinion piece. For years, I paid little […]

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Like Bill Schuette, Republican Congressman Mike Bishop has no problem using your tax dollars on himself and his friends

Like Bill Schuette, Republican Congressman Mike Bishop has no problem using your tax dollars on himself and his friends

By now it’s no secret that Republican gubernatorial candidate Bill Schuette used his office and staff for his own personal work. From working on political operations and promoting his book tour to conducting multi-million dollar real estate transactions and hiring “Republican campaign activists” as staff in his office right before the 2016 campaign began, Bill Schuette appears to view tax […]

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Take a bow. YOU built this.

Take a bow. YOU built this.

Although I had been blogging elsewhere for awhile, the doors at Eclectablog opened up ten years ago this past summer. During that time we’ve gone from one guy writing about an eclectic assortment of topics to becoming the main progressive political blog in Michigan and one of the top progressive blogs in the country. We helped blow the lid off […]

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That shift you hear is the sound of people waking up politically and responding to their values

That shift you hear is the sound of people waking up politically and responding to their values

We found out today that the DCCC is spending money in Michigan’s 6th Congressional District to take that seat away from Fred Upton, the man who played a huge role helping to dismantle the Affordable Care Act. Haley Stevens is up by double digits in the 11th District meaning that seat will swing from David Trott, the Foreclosure King. In […]

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Faced with an amateur, feckless candidate, Michigan GOP resorts to a bizarre “she’s trying to silence you” attack on Democrat Laurie Pohutsky

Faced with an amateur, feckless candidate, Michigan GOP resorts to a bizarre “she’s trying to silence you” attack on Democrat Laurie Pohutsky

The race for Michigan’s open seat in the 19th State House District is a virtual tie according to polling. Democrats have a dynamite young woman running. Laurie Pohutsky is a microbiologist (you know I have a soft spot for scientists!) who has an impressive list of endorsements from progressive and labor organizations as well as notable community leaders. She supports […]

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The resistance must be educated. Here’s how you can help.

The resistance must be educated. Here’s how you can help.

We are up against formidable political opponents. The conservative right and the corporatists — not always the same players — have spent decades rigging the game in every system imaginable in their favor. They’ve gerrymandered our districts, convinced even liberals that taxes are bad and deficits are worse, and they privatize everything not nailed down to funnel tax dollars into […]

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Republican candidate for U.S. Senate John James features a swastika in his first general election television ad

Republican candidate for U.S. Senate John James features a swastika in his first general election television ad

U.S. Senate candidate John James is the Republican running against Democrat Debbie Stabenow in the general election. James recently was revealed to making a joke about “grabbing boobs” in a campaign speech, showing just how myopic he is about our country and the issues people care about. However, his first television ad of the general election takes this to a […]

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Blue wave in 2018? Hmm… Maybe. But maybe not…

Blue wave in 2018? Hmm… Maybe. But maybe not…

Seems like all we hear these days is about how a Democratic Blue Wave is going to sweep across the country like an electoral tsunami this year on Election Day. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: It’s not going to happen. It’s not going to happen, that is, unless everyone — not just long-time Democratic Party volunteers […]

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