Author: Eclectablog

DISGRACEFUL: New Bill Schuette attack ad uses doctored photo of Gretchen Whitmer taken the day she testified about her own sexual assault

DISGRACEFUL: New Bill Schuette attack ad uses doctored photo of Gretchen Whitmer taken the day she testified about her own sexual assault

Michigan Attorney General and Republican candidate for governor Bill Schuette has a new ad out suggesting that his Democratic opponents Gretchen Whitmer and her running mate Garlin Gilchrist are Hamas sympathizers that hate law enforcement agencies. On its face, it’s shitty ad that shows just how desperate Schuette is now that he’s at least 9 points down in recent polling. […]

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Once again Michigan shows the importance of the judiciary as voter suppression gets a pass and GOP legislators subvert democracy

Once again Michigan shows the importance of the judiciary as voter suppression gets a pass and GOP legislators subvert democracy

After receiving the good news last month that a federal judge had commanded the Michigan Secretary of State to allow for straight-ticket voting, yesterday we got bad news: A three-judge panel of the 6th District Court of Appeals ruled 2-1 that the ban on straight ticket voting could remain in place for the November election. The result, of course, is […]

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Austerity STILL being imposed on Detroit schools, teachers’ list of classroom supplies tragically inadequate as the school year begins

Austerity STILL being imposed on Detroit schools, teachers’ list of classroom supplies tragically inadequate as the school year begins

As classes began this week in the Detroit Public Schools Community District (DPSCD), teachers learned they are beginning the year with the sort of austerity and inadequate supplies that has become the tragic hallmark of this neglected school system. A teacher at one of the high schools in the DPSCD sent me an email received by all of the teachers […]

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Running scared & insulting the #Resistance – Michigan Republicans are now arguing using OUR language and OUR framing

Running scared & insulting the #Resistance – Michigan Republicans are now arguing using OUR language and OUR framing

Michigan Republicans are terrified of the impending blue/pink wave that is about to run them over in our state and across the country. Starting with the Women’s March in January of 2017 and continuing with the March for Science, the March for Our Lives, and the rise of the Indivisible and #Resist movements, millions of people who had never paid […]

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As MI-08 Dem candidate Elissa Slotkin emphasizes her service to America, GOP Rep. Mike Bishop posts meme of drones killing citizens he disagrees with

As MI-08 Dem candidate Elissa Slotkin emphasizes her service to America, GOP Rep. Mike Bishop posts meme of drones killing citizens he disagrees with

Earlier this week, the Democratic candidate for Michigan’s 8th Congressional District, Elissa Slotkin, released a powerful television ad titled “Service”. In it, Slotkin emphasizes her service to the country while serving her overseas tours in Iraq. “I joined after 9/11, did three tours in Iraq, and took the safety of our troops and our homeland personally,” Slotkin says in the […]

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BREAKING: Federal judge smacks down GOP Sec. of State’s effort to suppress the vote for Black Michiganders, must allow straight ticket voting

BREAKING: Federal judge smacks down GOP Sec. of State’s effort to suppress the vote for Black Michiganders, must allow straight ticket voting

In 2015, Republican legislators sought to consolidate their enormous political advantage (through gerrymandering) by eliminating straight ticket voting in Michigan, something Michiganders have been able to do since 1891. This move, in addition to suppressing the votes of Black Michiganders, had the advantage of increasing the probability that Republicans would win statewide seats like the State Board of Education and […]

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[CC image credit: Gage Skidmore | Flickr]

GOP candidate for MI-GOV Bill Schuette chooses a running mate nearly as contemptible as he is. Presenting: Lisa Posthumus Lyons

If you were looking for a more reprehensible proponent of the worst of Republican ideology than Michigan Attorney General and Republican nominee for governor Bill Schuette, you’d have to work pretty hard. But Bill Schuette, who seems to spend more time off the job than on, apparently used that free time to come up with someone who is a perfect […]

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UPDATED: Michigan’s primary shows that Democrats are fired up, mobilized, and unified (and mostly behind women)

UPDATED: Michigan’s primary shows that Democrats are fired up, mobilized, and unified (and mostly behind women)

Michigan has long been a bellwether for the national political landscape and, judging by the results of our primary last week, the November general election will be as much of a wave election for Democrats as 2010 was for Republicans. Shri Thanedar’s attempt to purchase a governorship with his personal fortune was resoundingly smacked down by voters. He did only […]

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#FlintWaterCrisis Round-Up: The conservatives are already rewriting history and erasing the plight of Flint residents

#FlintWaterCrisis Round-Up: The conservatives are already rewriting history and erasing the plight of Flint residents

The big story in the ongoing saga of the Flint Water Crisis this week is a concerted effort by those on the right (along with complicity from some in the medical community) to make the world believe that the Flint Water Crisis never happened. It started with an op-ed in The New York Times by Drs. Hernán Gómez and Kim […]

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MI-08 Republican Mike Bishop still hasn’t paid a fine for a campaign finance violation in 2014

MI-08 Republican Mike Bishop still hasn’t paid a fine for a campaign finance violation in 2014

In 2012, MI-08 Republican Congressman Mike Bishop was running for Oakland County Prosecutor against Democratic incumbent Jessica Cooper by whom he was defeated. In 2014, the Oakland County Clerk sent Bishop a notice that he was being assessed a fine for a late quarterly campaign report. It was a paltry amount — just $150 — money he probably could have […]

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Released emails show that Republicans have been gerrymandering Michigan to intentionally hurt Dems for YEARS

Released emails show that Republicans have been gerrymandering Michigan to intentionally hurt Dems for YEARS

It’s no secret that Michigan is one of the most heavily gerrymandered states in the entire country. Here’s the 11th Congressional District, for example: The 9th District is almost as bad: Note that they are both adjacent and interlocking. The 11th District is highly Republican and 9th District is reliably Democratic. For good measure, here’s the 14th which is another […]

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