Author: Eclectablog

United we stand. Divided we’re screwed.

United we stand. Divided we’re screwed.

I don’t need to tell YOU that the United States of America is in big trouble right now. Our country is now “led” by a kleptocratic authoritarian who is rapidly consolidating his power to benefit himself, his kids, and his business cronies. What was happening in slow motion only a few months ago has now turned into a rapid-fire string […]

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[CC image credit: Alpha Stock Images]

I’m not saying that Michigan is the beta testing ground for the worst GOP nefariousness but … Well, yes I am.

At some point in the ten years and one day since we began blogging under the Eclectablog banner, I had to make a decision. Was Eclectablog going to be a “state blog” or a “national blog”. If we aimed to be only a state blog, that would limit our reach because, at some point, folks outside of Michigan would just […]

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10 years ago today, Eclectablog was born.

10 years ago today, Eclectablog was born.

On July 8, 2008, I posted my first post under the name “Eclectablog”. It was a brief post, directing folks to my wife Anne’s panoramic images of the Rothbury music festival. I had already been blogging for four years under various other names at other sites but, when I jumped to Blogger in 2008, the name “Eclectablog” was born. In […]

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INDEPENDENCE: You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. Signed, Labor Unions.

INDEPENDENCE: You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. Signed, Labor Unions.

This past week, corporatists ticked off a major agenda when the United States Supreme Court decided in their favor in the Janus v. AFSCME case. With this decision, SCOTUS has turned America into a “Right to Freeload” country. Will Swaim, president of the California Policy Center, an affiliate of the Koch brothers State Policy Network (SPN), celebrated the decision to […]

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Announcing our newest Eclectablogger, Ammara Ansari!

Announcing our newest Eclectablogger, Ammara Ansari!

I’m constantly on the lookout for new writers for Eclectablog and my eye is always on writers who bring a different perspective than we already have. We have three white men and two white women writing for us so we have those demographics pretty much nailed down and it’s important to me that we are a diverse group. Today I […]

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DOING IT RIGHT: Michigan Families for Economic Prosperity holds Congressmen Fred Upton & Mike Bishop accountable for healthcare repeal & #TrumpTaxScam votes in new ads

DOING IT RIGHT: Michigan Families for Economic Prosperity holds Congressmen Fred Upton & Mike Bishop accountable for healthcare repeal & #TrumpTaxScam votes in new ads

Michigan Families for Economic Prosperity is a coalition of advocacy leaders working to educate and empower Michigan voters about taxes and health care. They have two new ads out that highlight how badly two Michigan Republican members of Congress have betrayed their constituents and our state as a whole. The first, titled “Me”, features actual Michigan voters reading letters they […]

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UPDATED: You can’t shame the shameless: Take the fight over Trump’s immigration atrocities to members of Congress

UPDATED: You can’t shame the shameless: Take the fight over Trump’s immigration atrocities to members of Congress

“I did try and fuck her. She was married… I moved on her like a bitch.” “You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.” “[John McCain]’s not a war hero. I like people who weren’t captured.” “If Hillary Clinton can’t satisfy her husband what makes her think she can satisfy the country?” “[Kim Jong Un] […]

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ENGLER MUST GO! MSU president says Larry Nassar’s victims are profiting off their experience of being raped by a child predator

ENGLER MUST GO! MSU president says Larry Nassar’s victims are profiting off their experience of being raped by a child predator

Back in January, LOLGOP and I had Rachael Denhollander on our podcast to talk about her experience as the woman who opened the floodgates that led to notorious serial rapist Larry Nassar being put behind bars for the rest of his life. Without her bravery and willingness to come forward when literally hundreds of his victims had been afraid or […]

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Michigan’s largest Democratic club issues unprecedented “anti-endorsement” of “Democratic” gubernatorial candidate Shri Thanedar

Michigan’s largest Democratic club issues unprecedented “anti-endorsement” of “Democratic” gubernatorial candidate Shri Thanedar

I generally don’t weigh in on Democratic primaries in our state. I learned long ago that it’s better to let primary campaigns play out without me sticking my nose in. The only times I tend to write about them is if a particular campaign is doing something that’s creative and interesting that other Dems can learn from or, more often, […]

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G7 Summit Clown Donald Trump takes his alpha male, narcissistic circus on the road, gets trolled by his international counterparts

G7 Summit Clown Donald Trump takes his alpha male, narcissistic circus on the road, gets trolled by his international counterparts

President Trump arrived to the G7 trade summit late, left early, and held a single press conference where he threatened the other global leaders with a trade war and portrayed the United States of America as a weak global player that has been had by its allies for decades. At a gender equality breakfast, Trump arrived late so the other […]

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Register NOW for the Michigan Progressive Summit! – “The Persistence of the Resistance: Voices, Values, and Votes”

Register NOW for the Michigan Progressive Summit! – “The Persistence of the Resistance: Voices, Values, and Votes”

Regular readers of Eclectablog will know that I have been off the grid for the past few weeks while I recover from surgery. As a result, I will have to miss an exciting event that I haven’t missed in years: the annual Progress Michigan conference called the Michigan Progressive Summit. But that doesn’t mean YOU have to miss it and […]

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