Author: Eclectablog

REAL TALK: Without progressive activism, there isn’t going to be any “blue wave”

REAL TALK: Without progressive activism, there isn’t going to be any “blue wave”

There is a LOT of talk about the “blue wave” that’s coming in November this year when Democrats (we are told) are going to trounce Republicans all across America. Here’s some real talk: there isn’t going to be any “blue wave”. That is, there won’t be unless progressives get active and stay active between now and then. As we’ve been […]

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Dem Abdul El-Sayed gets a taste of ACTUAL “birther-like tactics” from GOP senator & shameless bigot Patrick Colbeck

Dem Abdul El-Sayed gets a taste of ACTUAL “birther-like tactics” from GOP senator & shameless bigot Patrick Colbeck

Back in February, Democratic gubernatorial candidate Dr. Abdul El-Sayed accused unnamed “establishment Democrats” of using “birther-like tactics” to derail his primary campaign after Bridge magazine published an article raising questions about his eligibility to run due to residency requirements. I was hard on Dr. El-Sayed writing, “Publishing this article is not a “birther-like” tactic and the accusation is offensive. People […]

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Advocacy group running brutal ads holding Republicans Mike Bishop & Fred Upton accountable for voting against affordable healthcare

Advocacy group running brutal ads holding Republicans Mike Bishop & Fred Upton accountable for voting against affordable healthcare

Listeners of The Sit and Spin Room podcast co-hosted by me and LOLGOP know that we are adamant that Democrats running against Republican Congressional incumbents hold their opponents’ feet to the fire for their repeated efforts to dismantle the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Their actions have threatened access to affordable healthcare for hundreds of thousands, even millions of Americans. ALL […]

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Trump’s dismantling of the EPA continues apace, Scott Pruitt ready to outlaw critical science in the name of “transparency”

Trump’s dismantling of the EPA continues apace, Scott Pruitt ready to outlaw critical science in the name of “transparency”

After eight years of an anti-science Bush administration, science got a bit of a boost with the election of Barack Obama. Political cartoonist Tom Toles from The Washington Post commemorated the event with this spot-on comic: However, Republicans continued to push their anti-science ways, working to thwart the Obama administration’s efforts to combat climate change at every turn. Again, Tom […]

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Excuse me for a second. I need some help.

Excuse me for a second. I need some help.

Hi, folks. I have a favor to ask. You may recall that earlier this year, I had a run-in with a bad dude named Diverticulitis that put me in the hospital for ten days. As it turns out, I need to have surgery next month to keep that scary situation from ever happening again. Because this is happening during the […]

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Michigan high school punk flies the racist flag of American traitors because his fee-fees got hurt

Michigan high school punk flies the racist flag of American traitors because his fee-fees got hurt

Poor li’l Cameron Myers. He’s an 18-year old white “country boy” from rural Auburn, Michigan. Seems this pathetic little punk got his fee-fees hurt when somebody stole the racist Confederate flag off the back of his truck in the school parking lot. When he whined about it to school administrators, they didn’t do anything about it. He called it an […]

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Republican Bill Schuette’s staff lawyers ask for dismissal of Democrat’s eligibility lawsuit, Abdul El-Sayed erroneously declares the matter settled

Republican Bill Schuette’s staff lawyers ask for dismissal of Democrat’s eligibility lawsuit, Abdul El-Sayed erroneously declares the matter settled

In late January, an article at Bridge magazine raised questions about Michigan gubernatorial candidate Abdul El-Sayed’s eligibility to run for this position due to his having lived outside of Michigan for a time. Experts on campaign law weighed in and were not in agreement. Some said he’s fine. Others expressed concern that he may not be fine at all and […]

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Michigan Republican grovels before his corporate puppet masters, introduces resolution to create “Corporate Citizenship Day”

Michigan Republican grovels before his corporate puppet masters, introduces resolution to create “Corporate Citizenship Day”

This is becoming indecent… It’s no secret that Michigan Republicans are deeply in the pocket of corporations in our state. One of their first orders of business after taking control of our state government in 2010 was to pass a massive tax cut for corporations paid for by raising the taxes of over half of the residents in our state […]

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After environmental catastrophe near-miss with Enbridge’s Line 5 pipeline under Lake Michigan, Gov. Snyder issues sternly-worded press release

After environmental catastrophe near-miss with Enbridge’s Line 5 pipeline under Lake Michigan, Gov. Snyder issues sternly-worded press release

Last week, 550 gallons of coolant containing toxic organic solvents (alkyl derivatives of benzene, specifically) were released into Lake Michigan from an electrical transmission cable running under the Straits of Mackinac. It happened because a ship went through the Straits dragging its anchor. (UPDATE: It appears that it was a tugboat owned by VanEnkevort Tug & Barge.) Enbridge Energy clearly […]

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Privatized prison services in Michigan finally declared an utter failure after four years of indisputable proof

Privatized prison services in Michigan finally declared an utter failure after four years of indisputable proof

First we had this: Then we had this: And throughout it all we had food service employees having sex with inmates, rotten, rodent-chewed food being served to prison inmates, and drugs being smuggled into prisons by prison employees. Since 2014, I have written roughly 30 posts about the privatization of prison food services in Michigan and they all tell the […]

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Photo Credit: Anne Savage

A true social justice warrior has passed. Godspeed, Tony Trupiano.

Photo by Anne C. Savage Yesterday morning I got a text from my friend Stephanie White that said, simply, “Sad news about Tony.” I hadn’t heard any news but I knew which “Tony” she meant. I know several Tonys but THE Tony is and has always been Tony Trupiano. I went to Facebook and quickly saw what I was terrified […]

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