Author: Eclectablog

[PHOTOS & VIDEO] Town Hall for Our Lives in Dexter, MI: “We’ve never lived in a world in which we did not do lock-down drills.”

[PHOTOS & VIDEO] Town Hall for Our Lives in Dexter, MI: “We’ve never lived in a world in which we did not do lock-down drills.”

Dexter Town Hall for Our Lives organizers (l-r) Dani Waidley, Gabi Fracassi, Evelyn Hawley, Gigi Eisele, Julia Bell, Savannah Moody, and Sabina Carty Following March for Our Lives events last months, Parkland, Florida student activists put out a call for “Town Hall for Our Lives” events to be held across the country this past Saturday. And students across America responded, […]

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Less than a month after tests show elevated lead levels in Flint, state stops distributing bottled water

Less than a month after tests show elevated lead levels in Flint, state stops distributing bottled water

“Recent water tests at elementary schools in Flint have found an increase in samples showing lead levels above the federal action limit.” That’s the opening line in an article in The Detroit News less than one month ago. Despite this, the state of Michigan, just days after turning control over the city back to local elected officials, declared the Flint […]

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After poisoning the water & putting government on an austerity budget, state hands the city of Flint back to local control

After poisoning the water & putting government on an austerity budget, state hands the city of Flint back to local control

For the past seven years, the city of Flint has been under the control of the state of Michigan. All government decisions made there were made by an unelected Emergency Manager or, later, a Receivership Transition Advisory Board. In the meantime, the city had its water poisoned with the powerful neurotoxin lead, saw 12 people die from an Legionnaire’s Disease […]

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Republican Mike Bishop doesn’t want you to know his stances on guns & unions, quietly scrubs them from his website

Republican Mike Bishop doesn’t want you to know his stances on guns & unions, quietly scrubs them from his website

It’s well-known that Republican Mike Bishop is deeply embedded in the pockets of the super-wealthy like skabillionaire Matty Moroun so it’ll likely come as no surprise to you that he disdains unions and is all in for gun manufacturers and their corporate front group, the NRA. In fact, his website used to crow about his pro-gun, anti-union stances. Here’s a […]

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Poor communities in Michigan still paying the costs of Emergency Managers. One of them sold off the school playground equipment.

Poor communities in Michigan still paying the costs of Emergency Managers. One of them sold off the school playground equipment.

In April of 2012, control over Muskegon Heights schools was handed over to an un-elected Emergency Manager, appointed by Gov. Rick Snyder. By July, Emergency Manager Donald Weatherspoon had signed a contract to turn the entire public school system over to the for-profit charter school operator Mosaica. Two years later the district was still insolvent and having to borrow almost […]

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Michigan Progressive blog booted from email mailing list service for adding scads of emails without consent

Michigan Progressive blog booted from email mailing list service for adding scads of emails without consent

Repeat after me: Primaries are good. Primaries are good. Primaries are good… I used to believe that primaries were a waste of precious fundraising dollars and that they unnecessarily bloodied up our general election candidate. But in 2014, after Mark Schauer was defeated in his run for governor after facing no primary opponent, I changed my views. I came to […]

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Apparently unfamiliar with “libraries”, GOP Gov. candidate Bill Schuette proposes radical idea of “dedicated reading centers” to solve illiteracy crisis in Michigan

Apparently unfamiliar with “libraries”, GOP Gov. candidate Bill Schuette proposes radical idea of “dedicated reading centers” to solve illiteracy crisis in Michigan

Despite state spending of nearly $80 million to improve early reading skills in Michigan school kids, reading scores have actually gone DOWN since 2014 in our state. Not even the threat of being held back a year by state law was enough to frighten and threaten these children into learning to read better. Michigan’s Republican Attorney General, a man who […]

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Help out a graduate student by taking this survey on the role that emotion plays in politics (PSST! It’s FUN!)

Help out a graduate student by taking this survey on the role that emotion plays in politics (PSST! It’s FUN!)

A team of researchers from Stony Brook University have asked us to help them study the role that emotion plays in politics. I have completed the survey myself and I actually found it to be very interesting and kinda fun! The survey is completely anonymous and it only took me a few minutes to finish. Click HERE to begin the […]

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What do you do when it all seems like too much to process? Stoneman Douglas High School student Delaney Tarr knows.

What do you do when it all seems like too much to process? Stoneman Douglas High School student Delaney Tarr knows.

At the end of January and again at the beginning of February, I spent ten days in the hospital. I took a bit of a break from my normal hyper-consumption of political news and, when I dipped my toe back in, I found that the fire hose of cacophony that I had been drinking from before my illness had only […]

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I don’t want to hear about how outraged you are by the latest mass school shooting

I don’t want to hear about how outraged you are by the latest mass school shooting

Before I get started today, I’d like to thank our loyal readers for their patience as I have worked through a rather extended saga of diverticulitis. It started in late January and involved two stays in the hospital as well as an outpatient surgical procedure. It also featured me having a nearly-lethal anaphylactic allergic reaction after the installation of a […]

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Michigan Gov. Snyder’s failure as a leader continues into his last year, appoints anti-LGBTQ bigot to Civil Rights Commission

Michigan Gov. Snyder’s failure as a leader continues into his last year, appoints anti-LGBTQ bigot to Civil Rights Commission

Most governors with a history of poisoning an entire city of Black people, an administration full of corruption and ineptitude, and with a laundry list of pro-corporate policies that have harmed the state in myriad ways would probably spend their final months in office being as non-controversial and quiet as possible. Not so with Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder. Despite his […]

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