Author: Eclectablog

Bill “Shady” Schuette, candidate for Michigan governor, continues to use our tax dollars to pursue his far-right extremist agenda

Bill “Shady” Schuette, candidate for Michigan governor, continues to use our tax dollars to pursue his far-right extremist agenda

Michigan Radio has a post up titled “Michigan signs on in support of federal effort to deny abortions to undocumented minors“. In truth, this is being done solely by our extremist, far-right conservative Attorney General, Bill “Shady” Schuette. Schuette, who has been running for governor for over a decade, has a long sordid history of using Michigan tax dollars to […]

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On bipartisan agreement on Dreamers, Trump goes from “I’m signing it” to rejecting it in just 3 days

On bipartisan agreement on Dreamers, Trump goes from “I’m signing it” to rejecting it in just 3 days

Flip. Flop. At a bipartisan meeting with House and Senate leaders on Tuesday, Donald Trump had this to say about an impending bipartisan agreement to protect roughly 800,000 Dreamers, undocumented immigrants brought to the USA when they were children: [W]hen this group comes back — hopefully with an agreement — this group and others from the Senate, from the House, […]

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Pete Hoekstra continues to embarrass his state and his country as Netherlands media shames him

Pete Hoekstra continues to embarrass his state and his country as Netherlands media shames him

Following on the heels of an encounter with a reporter in the Netherlands where he gaslighted the reporter twice in the span of a couple of minutes, former Michigan legislator Pete Hoekstra held a press conference and things went decidedly “not well”. Hoeksta, the U.S. ambassador to the Netherlands, confronted this time not by just one reporter but multiple reporters, […]

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THESE AREN’T THE CRIMINALS YOU’RE LOOKING FOR: Michigan Gov. Snyder & AG Schuette arguing that Emergency Managers are not “state officials” in Flint Water Crisis lawsuit

THESE AREN’T THE CRIMINALS YOU’RE LOOKING FOR: Michigan Gov. Snyder & AG Schuette arguing that Emergency Managers are not “state officials” in Flint Water Crisis lawsuit

In what can only be described as a Hail Mary attempt to use the Jedi Mind Trick on three judges on the Michigan Court of Appeals, Attorney General Bill Schuette’s Assistant Attorney General Nathan Gambill is arguing that Emergency Managers appointed by Gov. Rick Snyder are not “state officials”: The Michigan Court of Appeals is weighing legal arguments which may […]

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Even Michigan Republicans are forced to admit that the #TrumpTaxScam is raising the taxes of ordinary taxpayers

Even Michigan Republicans are forced to admit that the #TrumpTaxScam is raising the taxes of ordinary taxpayers

“[Republican] Gov. Rick Snyder proposed legislation Monday to offset what he said would amount to an unintended $1.5-billion annual tax increase for Michigan residents resulting from the recent federal tax reform package.” That’s the lead sentence in an article in the Detroit Free Press from yesterday titled “Snyder proposes plan to offset federal tax reform for Michigan taxpayers“. The article […]

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Michigan Attorney General Bill “Shady” Schuette using tax dollars to run his campaign – Hatch Act violation complaint filed

Michigan Attorney General Bill “Shady” Schuette using tax dollars to run his campaign – Hatch Act violation complaint filed

It’s great to see the watchdogs watching the dogs. Anyone who has been paying attention to the political career of Michigan Attorney General Bill “Shady” Schuette knows that he’s been running for governor for decades. Each rung on his political ladder has been one more step toward his ultimate goal, at least so far as Michigan politics goes. For the […]

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“Two North” – A true Christmas story

“Two North” – A true Christmas story

“Two North” is a story about a Christmas when I was in grade school during a period when my mom was spending time on the psychiatric ward of our town’s hospital after trying to commit suicide to escape a physically-abusive husband. I was thirteen. It was a cataclysmic event in our lives but it brought us together into a two-person […]

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Pete “Yellow Girl” Hoekstra finds a new way to embarrass America: Gaslighting a reporter twice in one interview

Pete “Yellow Girl” Hoekstra finds a new way to embarrass America: Gaslighting a reporter twice in one interview

Wait, what…? People in Michigan won’t soon forget the man who arguably ran the most incompetent Senate campaign in our fine state’s history. His “Yellow Girl” Superbowl ad tanked his already lackluster campaign and then Hoekstra spent the next nine months digging the hole he was in deeper and deeper. In pure Trumpian fashion, Hoekstra has now ascended to the […]

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Congressional Republicans are hypocrites on the #TrumpTaxScam but few are as hypocritical as Tim Walberg from Michigan

Congressional Republicans are hypocrites on the #TrumpTaxScam but few are as hypocritical as Tim Walberg from Michigan

After the sugar buzz of last week’s election in Alabama, all of us got a bitter dose of reality with the FCC ending Net Neutrality and then last night’s this morning’s passage of an historic tax scam bill by Republicans in the Senate. Because House Speaker Paul Ryan is such a novice, the version House Republicans passed violated Senate rules […]

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NOT THE ONION: Michigan passes new law outlawing police having sex with hookers while working

NOT THE ONION: Michigan passes new law outlawing police having sex with hookers while working

In a move you wouldn’t think necessary, this past week Michigan Governor Rick Snyder signed legislation into law that makes it illegal for undercover police officers to have sex with prostitutes while they are at work. No, I’m not kidding: Gov. Rick Snyder on Wednesday signed legislation officially outlawing police having sex with prostitutes on duty by removing an exemption […]

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Gov. Snyder disenfranchised over half of Black Michiganders, now says most of Detroit won’t have a Congressperson for nearly a year

Gov. Snyder disenfranchised over half of Black Michiganders, now says most of Detroit won’t have a Congressperson for nearly a year

In 2013, Michigan governor Rick Snyder imposed an Emergency Manager on the city of Detroit. With that move 49% of the African Americans in Michigan were without a democratically-elected local government. His appointed Emergency Manager was given full control over the city. This past week, Gov. Snyder continued his disenfranchisement of Detroiters when he chose the date of the special […]

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