Author: Eclectablog

I believe the women. Once you make that decision, hard choices about Al Franken & John Conyers become easier. Not easy. Easier.

I believe the women. Once you make that decision, hard choices about Al Franken & John Conyers become easier. Not easy. Easier.

Multiple women have accused soon-to-be former U.S. Senator Al Franken and former Congressman John Conyers, Jr. of sexually harassing them. Not one. Not two. MANY. These women are completely credible. None of them has anything to gain from this, financially or otherwise. In fact, they face withering attacks, many times from women which is one of the most heartbreaking parts […]

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Anti-net neutrality comments submitted included “false or misleading personal information” and nearly half a million from Russian email addresses

Anti-net neutrality comments submitted included “false or misleading personal information” and nearly half a million from Russian email addresses

From April 27th to August 30th of this year, the FCC received 21.7 million comments regarding rolling back net neutrality rules put in place during the Obama administration. These rules compel internet service providers to treat all content equally and prevent them from throttling or accelerating the loading of webpages based on how much money they were paid by the […]

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Here’s proof that if trickle down economics worked, we’d all be drowning in sweet, sweet trickle – TAKE ACTION TODAY!

Here’s proof that if trickle down economics worked, we’d all be drowning in sweet, sweet trickle – TAKE ACTION TODAY!

On our podcast this week, self-described zillionaire Nick Hanauer made it clear that trickle down economics is a concept used by the super-wealthy to convince themselves as well as all of us mere mortals that giving tax cuts to rich people will create more jobs and wealth for everyone. Unfortunately for them, as Hanauer says, “it just happens to not […]

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If you thought science was dead under George Bush, wait until you see what Trump is doing

If you thought science was dead under George Bush, wait until you see what Trump is doing

On January 20th, 2009, scientists (and anyone who values science) in the USA breathed a collective sigh of relief. After eight years of President George W. Bush, a Democratic president – Barack Obama – was taking over and science once again took its rightful place in American society as a force for good and an asset to policy making. It’s […]

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If we don’t stop the repeal of net neutrality, a few giant corporations will become the gatekeepers of the internet

If we don’t stop the repeal of net neutrality, a few giant corporations will become the gatekeepers of the internet

On February 26th, 2015, after an extensive comment period where 3.7 million comments were submitted, the FCC classified internet service providers (ISPs) as telecommunications providers and is subject to Title II of the Communications Act just like phone and cable service. This ensures that all everyone on the internet has equal access to content. There were lawsuits by the corporations […]

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Top Snyder admin official accused of multiple crimes in the #FlintWaterCrisis tapped to lead Public Health Advisory Council

Top Snyder admin official accused of multiple crimes in the #FlintWaterCrisis tapped to lead Public Health Advisory Council

There’s one thing you can say about Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder: He has zero #$@&%*!s to give when it comes to how things look or are perceived by the public. Today we have Exhibit A in this regard: Gov. Snyder has appointed Michgan’s chief medical executive Dr. Eden Wells to lead the newly-formed Public Health Advisory Council: Gov. Rick Snyder […]

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This one’s for all the real men out there…

This one’s for all the real men out there…

It wasn’t enough that a candidate for the president of the United States was accused by a dozen or more women of sexual assault and harassment, assault and harassment that he actually confessed to. No, a powerful so-called “Hollywood liberal”, Harvey Weinstein, had to be the perpetrator before America began to really take this seriously. Since that moment, largely thanks […]

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The Michigan Democratic Party State Central Committee seems intent on driving away new and younger Democrats

The Michigan Democratic Party State Central Committee seems intent on driving away new and younger Democrats

This afternoon there was a meeting of the Michigan Democratic Party State Central Committee, the group that is essentially “the boss” of the Michigan Democratic Party. One of the items on the agenda was for the Executive Committee to vote in a new representative to the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to replace someone who resigned. Two people were nominated. One […]

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ACTION NEEDED NOW – Michigan Republicans vote to allow guns in schools, daycare centers, bars, stadiums, & places of worship

ACTION NEEDED NOW – Michigan Republicans vote to allow guns in schools, daycare centers, bars, stadiums, & places of worship

Pistols in your preschools… In true Orwellian fashion, the author of legislation passed yesterday by the state Senate that allows guns to be carried in so-called “no-carry” or “no gun” zones, said that the church shooting in Texas this past week was actually an argument FOR loosening gun restrictions in Michigan: Despite outcry from Democrats and school groups, people could […]

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Oh, look. More maggots found in prisons with privatized, for-profit food service vendor

Oh, look. More maggots found in prisons with privatized, for-profit food service vendor

This is a disgusting story. It’s disgusting because it involves maggots in the food served to human beings. But mostly it’s disgusting because it is further proof that privatizing critical government services to a for-profit company inevitably results in cutting corners and inhumane conditions, this time for prisoners. Officials found maggots in food in three separate incidents at a Jackson-area […]

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For Michigan Republicans, gerrymandering is a “game” that they have rigged and that THEY are winning

For Michigan Republicans, gerrymandering is a “game” that they have rigged and that THEY are winning

It’s refreshing to see journalists explaining the motivations of Republicans in clear terms. That happened this morning in an article in the The Detroit News titled “GOP to fight anti-gerrymandering ballot proposal” where Jonathan Oosting puts it bluntly: Republicans who have dominated recent state and federal elections are mobilizing in opposition as a grassroots group nears its signature goal for […]

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