Author: Eclectablog

Trump is right: There is no such thing as Obamacare anymore. And Trumpcare costs are soaring.

Trump is right: There is no such thing as Obamacare anymore. And Trumpcare costs are soaring.

On October 16th, Donald Trump declared Obamacare dead. “Obamacare is finished,” he proclaimed. “It’s dead. It’s gone. You shouldn’t even mention it. It’s gone. There is no such thing as Obamacare anymore.” And he’s basically right: The Affordable Care Act as it was passed and originally implemented is a thing of the past. It didn’t take the passage of a […]

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Kid Rock: “F*ck no, I’m not running for Senate

Kid Rock: “F*ck no, I’m not running for Senate

Despite being in “regular phone contact” with Kid Rock, former President Stephen Bannon had his hopes for a “Senator Rock” dashed this morning when Robert Richie, known to his fans as “Kid Rock”, told Howard Stern, “Fuck no, I’m not running for Senate!” Ritchie, who strangely called Stabenow a racist in his profanity-laced rant, seems to have had the last […]

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When you’re fighting to make the world a better place, it’s good to know you’re not alone

When you’re fighting to make the world a better place, it’s good to know you’re not alone

When I woke up Saturday morning, it was Day Six of our 4th Quarter fundraiser here at Eclectablog and we hadn’t received a single donation. It was pretty demoralizing. We’ve had slow weeks in the past but nothing quite this slow. I generally hope to get enough in donations each quarter to pay for at least two months. Our annual […]

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Eclectablog is shutting down

Eclectablog is shutting down

That’s not something I have ever wanted to write. But we’ve been doing this quarter’s fundraiser for six days now and have received precisely zero donations. That’s not a sustainable model because I’m not a wealthy guy who can just plow his mortgage money into a website.

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Republican Congressman Tim Walberg tells angry constituents to “Get a life”

Republican Congressman Tim Walberg tells angry constituents to “Get a life”

This past Monday, Congressman Tim Walberg held a townhall meeting in Tecumseh, Michigan where he met a raucous crowd who were largely angry with him, his Republican colleagues, and President Donald Trump. During the question and answer period, one attendee described how angry she is with President Trump’s tweets. Rep. Walberg responded, “I can’t control his tweets. I have to […]

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Resistance takes many forms. What steps are YOU taking to #resist?

Resistance takes many forms. What steps are YOU taking to #resist?

Regular readers of the blog or listeners of the Sit and Spin Room podcast know that we are big on the Resistance these days. We recognize and exalt the import work being done by Indivisible Groups, NationalADAPT and their various chapters, and all the other incredible grassroots organizers who are changing the conversation when it comes to the debate about […]

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It’s like public radio for progressives, “Made possible by viewers like YOU!”

It’s like public radio for progressives, “Made possible by viewers like YOU!”

I’m the sort of weirdo that actually listens to pledge drives on public radio. Partly it’s because I have gotten to know many of the reporters and on-air folks at my local NPR affiliate and enjoy hearing them beg me for money. But mostly it’s because, even though I am monthly sustainer, I appreciate how hard these people work day […]

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When you’re up against the Koch brothers & Donald Trump, supporting your values isn’t just an option, it’s a necessity

When you’re up against the Koch brothers & Donald Trump, supporting your values isn’t just an option, it’s a necessity

In these days of turmoil and strife, the odds are stacked against the average American. We’re in the fight of our lifetimes to save Medicaid and Medicare from Donald Trump and his Republican supplicants in Congress. We’re up against prosecutors and judges who think it’s more important to save welfare dollars than to keep a woman raped as a child […]

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Organizers apologize for confusion around Sen. Sanders’ role at the Women’s Convention in Detroit

Organizers apologize for confusion around Sen. Sanders’ role at the Women’s Convention in Detroit

At 8:36 a.m. on Thursday morning, the Twitter account for the Women’s March tweeted out a USA Today article titled, “Bernie Sanders to deliver opening-night speech at Women’s Convention”: We are so excited to have @SenSanders join us at the #WomensConvention October 27-29th in Detroit! — Women's March (@womensmarch) October 12, 2017 The Detroit Free Press published the same […]

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More on the awarding of serial child rapist joint custody: What’s the Prosecutor’s role? & AG Schuette politicizes it

More on the awarding of serial child rapist joint custody: What’s the Prosecutor’s role? & AG Schuette politicizes it

I have written extensively about the situation where a serial child rapist, Christopher Mirasolo, was given joint custody of the child conceived when he kidnapped and raped a 12-year old nine years ago (HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE.) Sanilac Probate judge Gregory Ross signed an order in September awarding Mirasolo joint custody with his rape victim after the 21-year old […]

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UPDATED: Women’s March organizers choose a white man, Bernie Sanders, to headline “Reclaiming Our Time” convention

UPDATED: Women’s March organizers choose a white man, Bernie Sanders, to headline “Reclaiming Our Time” convention

When Anne and I went to the Women’s March in Washington, D.C. on January 21st this year, our lives were changed. Not since the Equal Rights marches in the 70s had I seen women rising up and claiming their political voice with such intensity and determination. They gathered there and around the country with their allies to say, “Women will […]

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