Author: Eclectablog

Evocative art piece about white supremacy & the #FlintWaterCrisis by Ti-Rock Moore wins coveted ArtPrize award

Evocative art piece about white supremacy & the #FlintWaterCrisis by Ti-Rock Moore wins coveted ArtPrize award

The first time I saw this image, everything around me stopped and the hair on my arms stood on end: Photo courtesy of Ti-Rock Moore The piece, titled “Flint”, was an entry in the renowned ArtPrize competition in Grand Rapids. It brings the hideous national shame and stain of Jim Crow-era racism and systemic white supremacy and slams it like […]

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VICTORY! Judge who awarded serial child rapist joint custody with his rape victim stays order

VICTORY! Judge who awarded serial child rapist joint custody with his rape victim stays order

Hallelujah This afternoon, Sanilac Probate Judge Gregory S. Ross, the man who awarded joint custody to a serial child rapist with the woman he raped when she was 12 years old, reversed his decision and stayed his order and ordered a new hearing next week: A Sanilac County judge Tuesday stayed his controversial ruling granting a convicted rapist joint custody […]

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ACTION: Let’s get the judge who awarded a serial child rapist joint custody with his rape victim off the bench

ACTION: Let’s get the judge who awarded a serial child rapist joint custody with his rape victim off the bench

More details have emerged in the disgusting story of Sanilac County Probate judge Gregory S. Ross who awarded a serial child rapist joint custody with his rape victim who he impregnated when he raped her as a 12-year old child. The Detroit News is reporting that his second victim, a woman he raped when she was 14, has come forward […]

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Judge who awarded Michigan rapist joint custody with the woman he raped as a child had other options

Judge who awarded Michigan rapist joint custody with the woman he raped as a child had other options

Over the weekend I posted a piece about Sanilac Probate Judge Gregory S. Ross awarding joint custody of a 9-year old boy, the child of the woman he raped when she was 12 years old. Christopher Mirasolo held the girl and her sister captive for two days, impregnating her during that time. Under a plea deal, he served only six […]

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Michigan judge orders man who raped and impregnated a child to be given joint custody

Michigan judge orders man who raped and impregnated a child to be given joint custody

In what can only be described as one of the most outrageous and heartbreaking acts of judicial misconduct for a very long time, Sanilac County Circuit Judge Gregory S. Ross awarded joint custody to Christopher Mirasolo of a child he fathered nine years ago when he raped a 12-year old. The child is now 8. The judge’s actions in this […]

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Marquette nurses see widespread support for 2-day strike but hospital locks doors to keep them from returning to work

Marquette nurses see widespread support for 2-day strike but hospital locks doors to keep them from returning to work

Last week I wrote about a 2-day strike by nurses working for Duke LifePoint’s UP Health System hospital in Marquette, Michigan, a protest against profound under-staffing that is leading to dangerous conditions for patients and the nursing staff who care for them. They’ve also been working without a contract with their new for-profit employer since July. Yesterday, nurses ended their […]

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Michigan Republican senator wants to have private, for-profit police forces – What could possibly go wrong?

Michigan Republican senator wants to have private, for-profit police forces – What could possibly go wrong?

This post has been updated to correct information about training requirements for a “special police officer”. It takes a lot to surprise me when it comes to “Republicans Gone Wild!” type legislation in Michigan these days. After all, this is the state where Republicans passed a law forcing women to purchase special insurance to cover abortions – what I call […]

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Marquette nurses on strike to protest understaffing, unsafe patient & nursing conditions, and no contract

Marquette nurses on strike to protest understaffing, unsafe patient & nursing conditions, and no contract

Nurses at UP Health System in Marquette, Michigan – run by Duke LifePoint – went on strike today to protest understaffing that has led to unsafe conditions for patients at the facility as well as the nurses who work there. In addition, they are demanding that the administrators of the facility begin bargaining with them in good faith on a […]

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Two years ago today Gov. Snyder admitted to the #FlintWaterCrisis and people STILL cannot drink the water

Two years ago today Gov. Snyder admitted to the #FlintWaterCrisis and people STILL cannot drink the water

On April 25th, 2014, with its government run by the latest in a series of Emergency Managers appointed by Republican governor Rick Snyder, the city of Flint, Michigan switched its water system over to the Flint River, ending a decades-long purchase agreement with the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department (DWSD) which draws its water from Lake Huron. Within a few […]

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James O’Keefe’s group busted infiltrating school union in Michigan to set up fake sting, judge issues restraining order

James O’Keefe’s group busted infiltrating school union in Michigan to set up fake sting, judge issues restraining order

James O’Keefe, the “film” producer who spends his life trying to take down any organization valued by progressives with heavily-edited videos of “stings” he orchestrates has been spending time in Michigan this year trying to bring down the American Federation of Teachers. Fortunately, a combination of an O’Keefe operative’s stupidity and the intelligence of the AFT’s staff resulted O’Keefe’s crew […]

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The Trump administration is no longer trying to hide its blatant & shameless sabotage of the Affordable Care Act

The Trump administration is no longer trying to hide its blatant & shameless sabotage of the Affordable Care Act

It’s no secret that Donald Trump and his administration have been playing politics with the Affordable Care Act, trying to kill it by the death by a thousand cuts: They won’t commit to the cost sharing reductions to help stabilize the markets, forcing many if not most insurers to raise their premiums. They decreased the budget for healthcare “navigators” who […]

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