Author: Eclectablog

Don’t be distracted by Donald Trump, Kid Rock, or Russian hackers

Don’t be distracted by Donald Trump, Kid Rock, or Russian hackers

It’s easy to get distracted from what’s really important these days. Between the Daily Chaff™ that Donald Trump vomits into the mediasphere, the catnip of Russian collusion by him and members of his family and administration, and the possibility of second-tier “rock star” Kid Rock running for the U.S. Senate, there are a LOT of things in play that threaten […]

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Zombie #Trumpcare can still die – here’s how

Zombie #Trumpcare can still die – here’s how

It took bringing a man with a fresh diagnosis of brain cancer (for which he receives government-paid healthcare to fight) back to Washington, DC from 2,300 miles away in Arizona to do it but Mitch McConnell managed to open debate on Trumpcare this afternoon. It’s a bill that’s got only 12% support in counties that Trump himself won in 2016 […]

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Resistance takes many forms. What are YOU doing to #resist?

Resistance takes many forms. What are YOU doing to #resist?

Regular readers of the blog or listeners of the Sit and Spin Room podcast know that we are big on the Resistance these days. We recognize and exalt the import work being done by Indivisible Groups, NationalADAPT and their various chapters, and all the other incredible grassroots organizers who are changing the conversation when it comes to the debate about […]

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Some want to watch the world burn, Donald Trump is lighting the match – headlines from July 20, 2017

Some want to watch the world burn, Donald Trump is lighting the match – headlines from July 20, 2017

This is nothing short of incredible: Those are six front page headlines from one of the country’s leading national newspapers, the Washington Post. I took the screenshots at around 10 p.m. last night. Donald Trump had a VERY busy day yesterday: Trump’s lawyers explore pardoning powers and ways to undercut Russia investigation Jeff Sessions says he plans to stay in […]

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The tea party’s silence on Trump shows their hypocrisy and true goal: the advancement of white people

The tea party’s silence on Trump shows their hypocrisy and true goal: the advancement of white people

The rise of the tea party was, according to their rhetoric, a response rising taxes and a government that had grown too big, too corrupt, and too bloated. Their very “freedom” was at stake, they claimed, because regulations, what the rest of us call “protections”, were strangling our collective American Dream. Donald Trump was never a tea party candidate. That […]

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Don’t let Trump’s Voter Suppression panel tactics disenfranchise YOU!

Don’t let Trump’s Voter Suppression panel tactics disenfranchise YOU!

The following post was written by Ingham County Clerk and former state legislator Barb Byrum. Enjoy. You may have first learned of the Trump Administration’s request for voter information from Susan Demas’ blog post. You have probably since learned that many states are denying the request either completely or partially. Michigan’s Secretary of State Ruth Johnson stated that her Office […]

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In Michigan, working 103 days out of the year is considered a “full-time” legislature

In Michigan, working 103 days out of the year is considered a “full-time” legislature

Michigan gubernatorial candidate and Lt. Gov. Brian Calley is trying to prove his conservative cred by pushing for a part-time legislature. It’s not going well. He was forced to restart his petition drive to put a part-time legislature on the ballot in 2018, the year he himself will be on the ballot, when it was discovered that his plan would […]

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In Gov. Snyder’s Flint oversight board’s decision on a tax lien moratorium, more than just finances are at stake

In Gov. Snyder’s Flint oversight board’s decision on a tax lien moratorium, more than just finances are at stake

The following essay was written by Dr. Ben Pauli, Ph.D., an Assistant Professor of Social Science in the Department of Liberal Studies at Kettering University in Flint. Enjoy. In a special meeting on May 17, the Flint City Council voted to approve a one-year moratorium on the city’s practice of putting tax liens on properties for overdue water bills. A […]

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UPDATED: Gov. Rick Snyder’s #FlintWaterCrisis round-up – Flint is still under occupation by the State of Michigan

UPDATED: Gov. Rick Snyder’s #FlintWaterCrisis round-up – Flint is still under occupation by the State of Michigan

Michigan Governor Rick Snyder’s Flint Water Crisis continues apace with Flint residents still being told that their drinking water is completely safe but that they should not drink it without filtering it first. First we have gubernatorial candidate (and state attorney general) Bill Schuette telling reporters that he’s not going to charge Gov. Snyder in his investigation, at least not […]

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Trump’s Golden Goose Egg –> Killing the fastest growing energy sector: renewable energy

Trump’s Golden Goose Egg –> Killing the fastest growing energy sector: renewable energy

Yesterday the Trump administration put out a press release titled “President Donald J. Trump Unleashes America’s Energy Potential”. In it, the release describes how Trump has done this: Withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accord Rescinding the Obama Administration’s Clean Power Plan Fast-tracking approval of the Keystone XL Pipeline Ending the Obama Administration’s coal leasing moratorium on Federal land Rescinding the […]

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Photo Credit: Anne Savage

URGENT: Tony Trupiano has been there for us for years. Now it’s time for us to be there for him.

Anyone who has read Eclectablog for any amount of time knows Eclectablogger Tony Trupiano. But Tony has been far more than an Eclectablogger in his day. He had nationally-syndicated radio show, another radio show based out of Detroit, and he’s been a proud proponent and activist on the behalf of working people and laborers for many, many years. Simply put, […]

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