Author: Eclectablog

Innovative crowdfunding platform CROWDPAC supporting Haley Stevens, potential opponent to MI-11’s GOP Rep. David Trott

Innovative crowdfunding platform CROWDPAC supporting Haley Stevens, potential opponent to MI-11’s GOP Rep. David Trott

In 2013, a new nonpartisan group called CROWDPAC launched a new fundraising model for potential political candidates. Similar to Kickstarter, CROWDPAC allows candidates to raise money through financial pledges. The pledges are not collected unless the candidate actually decides to run, giving them a chance to see how much support they have before making their decision. As an example, Kathryn […]

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Koch brothers front group still promoting ZERO income tax in Michigan

Koch brothers front group still promoting ZERO income tax in Michigan

Last week, the Koch brothers-funded group American for Prosperity held a “Day at the Capitol” event in Lansing, Michigan where they spelled out their corporatist agenda for Michigan (you can see the agenda HERE.) Numerous Republican legislators were on the agenda: House Speaker Tom Leonard Speaker Pro Tempore Lee Chatfield House Majority Floor Leader Dan Lauwers State Representative Lana Theis […]

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Privatized Michigan prison food services vendor fined, gets raise to cover the fine with $1.5 million to spare

Privatized Michigan prison food services vendor fined, gets raise to cover the fine with $1.5 million to spare

Two years ago, after privatizing Michigan’s prison food services to a company that then set out to prove what a fiasco this sort of thing is with scandal after scandal after scandal after scandal), Gov. Rick Snyder finally fired Aramark. He then hired another private firm, Trinity Services Group. Since that time, Trinity hasn’t fared much better, racking up $2.5 […]

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SAVE THE DATE: May 12th – 4th annual Eclectablog fundraising party and LIVE recording of the Sit & Spin Room podcast

SAVE THE DATE: May 12th – 4th annual Eclectablog fundraising party and LIVE recording of the Sit & Spin Room podcast

Every day, every week, every month of the year, Eclectablog is here, championing progressive causes and holding those in power accountable for their actions. Day after day, the writers here at Eclectablog are providing essential analysis and advocacy, spreading word of the valuable work of progressive activists and groups, and holding elected officials’ feet to the fire. This year, we […]

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Artist Michael D’Antuono’s latest piece illustrates who Republicans are actually bowing down before

Artist Michael D’Antuono’s latest piece illustrates who Republicans are actually bowing down before

I’m a big fan of artist Michael D’Antuono and have featured his amazing paintings here at Eclectablog in the past. His latest piece, “The Elephant in the Room”, it outstanding. It captures the capitulation of Republicans to the subservience of Donald Trump to the man he serves, Vladimir Putin: Here’s D’Antuono’s artist’s statement: Republican Reluctance To Truly Investigate Trump Unveiled […]

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Donald Trump takes credit for Ford Motor Co. expansion negotiated with the UAW two years ago

Donald Trump takes credit for Ford Motor Co. expansion negotiated with the UAW two years ago

The Ford Motor Co. announced today that it is expanding operations in three Michigan plants and will spend over a billion dollars in the process: Ford Motor Co. will invest $1.2 billion in three Michigan facilities to prepare for production of the all-new Ford Ranger and Bronco, and to support the company’s expansion into mobility. The company said Tuesday it […]

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State of Michigan avoids making home water deliveries in Flint, forced to pony up another $47 million

State of Michigan avoids making home water deliveries in Flint, forced to pony up another $47 million

The State of Michigan settled a federal lawsuit this week that allows them to avoid having to make home deliveries of water to Flint residents without safe drinking water but compels them to spend $47 million in an attempt to do right by the beleaguered city.

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Trump administration prepares to “run [government] like a great American company”, an approach that failed epically in Michigan

Trump administration prepares to “run [government] like a great American company”, an approach that failed epically in Michigan

When Rick Snyder became the governor of Michigan in 2011, he famously labeled the citizens of Michigan as “customers” and set about to run the state “like a business”. This approach to governing has had tragic impacts on our state. In their fervor to save money, the corporatists that run our state have driven our education system into the ground […]

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Kalamazoo schools closure is proof paid sick policies are needed

Kalamazoo schools closure is proof paid sick policies are needed

The following guest post was written by Jenny Doezema, a Kalamazoo resident who sends her children to Kalamazoo Public Schools. Enjoy. Earlier this month, Kalamazoo schools were closed when more than 1,900 students fell ill on the same day. The district closed all schools on a Friday to allow them to disinfect the school buildings over a long weekend. Other […]

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Happy birthday, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Happy birthday, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Seven years ago today, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was signed into law by President Barack Hussein Obama: Thank you to President Obama, every Democrat who voted for it, every organization that advocated for it, and, most importantly, every grassroots organizer and activist that worked to get it passed. Meanwhile, sorry this dick move didn’t work out for […]

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Republican “healthcare” plan will create thousands more unwanted pregnancies while reducing prenatal/newborn care

Republican “healthcare” plan will create thousands more unwanted pregnancies while reducing prenatal/newborn care

On our podcast this week, LOLGOP and I discussed this topic but, in light of recent developments, it bears more discussion. First, we got news from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO) scoring of the Republican “healthcare” plan – the American Health Care Act (AHCA) [note the missing word: “affordable”] – that, if it is passed and the Affordable Care […]

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