Author: Eclectablog

[CC image credit: Thomas Hawk | Flickr]

This. Is. Not. Normal.

[NOTE: This post will be updated on a regular basis.] It is not normal that a candidate for President of the United States of America created childish nicknames for his opponents and political adversaries like “Lyin’ Ted”, “Little Marco”, “Crooked Hillary”, and “Pocahontas”. It is not normal that a candidate for President of the United States would pause his campaign […]

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Local Michigan non-discrimination ordinance being challenged by notorious Jackson bigot

Local Michigan non-discrimination ordinance being challenged by notorious Jackson bigot

In early February of this year, the City Council in Jackson, Michigan approved a non-discrimination ordinance (NDO) that prohibits discrimination against anyone for housing, employment, or public accommodation based on sexual orientation and gender identity. It’s essentially a move that extends basic civil rights provided to most Michiganders under the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act to Michigan citizens in the LGBTQ […]

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HOT MIC MOMENT: Millionaire Republican Rep. Trott & team plan to portray constituents as “un-American” after townhall (UPDATED x4)

HOT MIC MOMENT: Millionaire Republican Rep. Trott & team plan to portray constituents as “un-American” after townhall (UPDATED x4)

Millionaire Republican David Trott (MI-11) held a raucous townhall meeting this past weekend where upwards of one thousand of his constituents tried to attend, many of whom were left out in the cold because the venue they chose was too small to contain them all. Not by accident, of course: Solicitous staffers had taken every precaution to limit the damage, […]

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Trump in Michigan: Review of fuel economy standards needed because that “extra thimble of fuel” is killing automakers (PHOTOS)

Trump in Michigan: Review of fuel economy standards needed because that “extra thimble of fuel” is killing automakers (PHOTOS)

“There is no more beautiful sight than an American made car,” Pr*sident Trump said while he was in Michigan today, and that’s why he’s “going to fight to keep vehicle production in the United States.” “During my first week in office I brought automobile industry leaders to the White House,” Trump said. He went on to say that no president […]

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Detroit Three automakers busing UAW workers in to cheer at Trump’s visit to Ypsilanti, Michigan today

Detroit Three automakers busing UAW workers in to cheer at Trump’s visit to Ypsilanti, Michigan today

NOTE: This post has been updated HERE with photos of the protest against Trump and analysis of his comments while he was in Michigan. All three Detroit autoworkers are busing UAW members in to Pr*sident Trump’s visit to Ypsilanti, Michigan later today and all but Ford are giving the workers food and are paying them for the privilege: The Detroit […]

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AHCA! AHCA! Who wins in GOP repeal of the Affordable Care Act: Insurance companies and the wealthy

AHCA! AHCA! Who wins in GOP repeal of the Affordable Care Act: Insurance companies and the wealthy

At a public appearance this past weekend, Republican Congressman Tim Walberg told the crowd at an impromptu townhall, “Remember, the Affordable Care Act was passed without CBO [Congressional Budget Office] scoring.” This is false. Although the CBO hadn’t scored earlier versions of the ACA passed in the House and Senate, the final bill was scored several days before the final […]

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Mayor Karen Weaver: Two more years of water filter use for Flint.

Mayor Karen Weaver: Two more years of water filter use for Flint.

Today is Day 529 since Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder admitted that the city of Flint had had its drinking water poisoned with the powerful neurotoxin lead through the actions and inactions of his appointed Emergency Managers. The true span since their water has been unsafe to drink, of course, is much longer than that. There’s been very little news coming […]

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Dexter Indivisible group achieves what others couldn’t: Forced Republican Tim Walberg to dialog with constituents

Dexter Indivisible group achieves what others couldn’t: Forced Republican Tim Walberg to dialog with constituents

Photos by Anne C. Savage. For the past several months, Dexter-area residents in Michigan’s 7th Congressional District have been trying in vain to get Republican Congressman Tim Walberg to hold a public townhall in their area so that they can share their views and have a direct dialog with him. Since last November’s election, he has held only tightly controlled […]

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GOP Rep. Walberg makes public “men-only” appearance during Women’s History Month, local Indivisible group to protest

GOP Rep. Walberg makes public “men-only” appearance during Women’s History Month, local Indivisible group to protest

For weeks and weeks now the Indivisible group in Dexter, Michigan (“Indivisible Dexter”) and other residents of Michigan’s 7th Congressional District have been asking Republican Congressman Tim Walberg to meet with them to answer questions and clarify his positions on repealing the Affordable Care Act, climate change, ending reimbursements for services provided by Planned Parenthood, and a host of other […]

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Mich Gov. Snyder’s hand-picked commission to recommend governor appointment rather than election of State Board of Ed.

Mich Gov. Snyder’s hand-picked commission to recommend governor appointment rather than election of State Board of Ed.

Back in 2002, Governor John Engler, one of the co-founders of the Koch brothers-funded, corporatist front group Mackinac Center for Public Policy, recommended doing away with the Michigan Board of Education and make it a group appointed by the governor rather than the elected body it was then and still is today: Viewing the State Board of Education as an […]

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Tim Walberg laughingly claims to “lead the way in holding town halls”, residents are calling his bluff

Tim Walberg laughingly claims to “lead the way in holding town halls”, residents are calling his bluff

MI-07 Republican Congressman recently posted a link to an article from The Hill on his Facebook page with the comment, “I’m proud to be on this list of the top 10 town hall holders in all of Congress.” It’s a remark so ridiculous that it strains the bounds of credulity. The article claims Walberg has done 66 town halls since […]

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