Author: Eclectablog

State of Michigan to stop subsidizing Flint water bills for water they cannot drink

State of Michigan to stop subsidizing Flint water bills for water they cannot drink

“Unfiltered Flint water is safe, just don’t drink it, says state attorney”. That was the headline for a recent article. In the article, the state attorney says Flint’s drinking water is “safe” but, “We are still recommending residents don’t drink unfiltered water.” Despite this fact, the state of Michigan announced this week that it will no longer be subsidizing […]

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UPDATED: Chair of the Young Democrats of Michigan shows followers the WRONG way to “take over” the Democratic Party

UPDATED: Chair of the Young Democrats of Michigan shows followers the WRONG way to “take over” the Democratic Party

Early last month, the Michigan Democratic Party State Central Committee (DSCC) met to choose its delegates to the Democratic National Committee [full disclosure: I am a DSCC member]. The afternoon of the meeting, the Chair of the Young Democrats of Michigan Sam Pernick spoke to a group of Senator Sanders and Jill Stein supporters in the hallway outside of the […]

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UPDATED x2: Northern Michigan Republican calls for “another Kent State” to deal with campus protesters

UPDATED x2: Northern Michigan Republican calls for “another Kent State” to deal with campus protesters

On May 4, 1970, members of the Ohio National Guard fired on students, killing four of them and wounding nine, one of whom was paralyzed for life. The crime for which they were murdered was, for some of them, peacefully protesting the invasion of Cambodia. For others it was simply being near the protest. 29 of the 77 guardsmen present […]

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Make no mistake, brothers and sisters: Donald Trump is NOT a friend of labor

Make no mistake, brothers and sisters: Donald Trump is NOT a friend of labor

The Monday after he was sworn in as Pr*sident, Donald Trump met first with CEOs of large corporations. Then, later in the day, he met with union leaders. The “Daily Guidance” issued by the White House the night before described the meeting as a “listening session with Union Leaders and American Workers.” A revised schedule sent around 10 a.m. on […]

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Billionaire “education reformer” Eli Broad comes out strongly AGAINST billionaire “education reformer” Betsy DeVos

Billionaire “education reformer” Eli Broad comes out strongly AGAINST billionaire “education reformer” Betsy DeVos

Billionaire philanthropist and “education reformer” Eli Broad has come out forcefully in opposition to billionaire “education reformer” Betsy DeVos to become the U.S. Secretary of Education. This is a battle that pits Broad, a staunch supporter of charter schools against DeVos, a staunch supporter of religious schools. Broad is largely seen as an enemy to public education since the charter […]

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WATCH: Pr*sident Trump uses the “Yank and Pull” power play handshake on SCOTUS nominee Neil Gorsuch

WATCH: Pr*sident Trump uses the “Yank and Pull” power play handshake on SCOTUS nominee Neil Gorsuch

In the world of handshakes, there numerous different types. One well-known one is the “Yank and Pull” handshake designed to manipulate and demean its recipient: Yank and Pull: This handshake is considered a power play, as it’s when a person decides to grab your arm and pull you in close towards them and inside their territory/personal space. There are three […]

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Note to President Bannon: There is NOTHING “impossible” about opposition & obstruction of American fascism

Note to President Bannon: There is NOTHING “impossible” about opposition & obstruction of American fascism

Last night, the White House sent out another of its amazingly odd press releases that more closely resemble a commercial for a new reality television show or a review of a new alt-right book about the merits of white supremacy in America than they do any sort of serious, professional communication about what our federal government is doing to spend […]

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Resisting the fascism of Donald Trump: Is this a sprint or a marathon?

Resisting the fascism of Donald Trump: Is this a sprint or a marathon?

The following essay was written by an Eclectablog reader who wishes to remain anonymous. Enjoy. Is this a sprint or a marathon? I recently texted a local elected official and suggested he lead a protest against the latest Trump attack on American morality, the Muslim Ban. The official responded that we had just had a massive protest against Trump and […]

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PHOTOS/VIDEO: >2,000 protest Pr*s. Trump and his fascist immigration/refugee policies at Detroit Metro Airport (DTW)

PHOTOS/VIDEO: >2,000 protest Pr*s. Trump and his fascist immigration/refugee policies at Detroit Metro Airport (DTW)

A protest of Pr*sident Donald Trump’s fascist anti-immigrant and anti-refugee Executive Orders at Detroit Metro Airport tonight drew over 2,000 people spread out across two levels of the Macnamara Terminal and completely filling half of the baggage claim area. The permitted protest started at 4:00 p.m. and was slated to end at 6:00 p.m. However, it was well past 6:30 […]

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Betsy DeVos paid for a Grand Rapids school superintendent to support her at her Senate confirmation in Washington, DC

Betsy DeVos paid for a Grand Rapids school superintendent to support her at her Senate confirmation in Washington, DC

Betsy DeVos, Pr*sident Donald Trump’s pick to be his Secretary of Education, is rightfully being exposed nationally for her anti-public education agenda. As I and Mitchell Robinson have been explaining repeatedly, Betsy DeVos isn’t just unqualified, she’s DANGEROUS. She’s never attended a public school. She’s never sent her children to a public school. She’s never taught in ANY school. She’s […]

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Where to now, liberals, now that the ‘game’ has changed?

Where to now, liberals, now that the ‘game’ has changed?

The following essay was written by a friend who wishes to remain anonymous. Enjoy. It’s time… It’s time to realize that we lost. It’s time to move on to the next battle. It’s already started, and our failure to realize that has put us two steps behind a ruthless and effective opponent. No. I’m not talking about the Presidential election. […]

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