Author: Eclectablog

AG Schuette engages in “superficial posturing”, wants to be on both sides of #FlintWaterCrisis suit (& much more news)

AG Schuette engages in “superficial posturing”, wants to be on both sides of #FlintWaterCrisis suit (& much more news)

There is a lot of news to report today about the ongoing public health crisis in Flint. We cover this issue every week in our podcast, as well, so be sure to have a listen. Before we get started, it’s worth noting that last Thursday was the 1,000th day since Flint started using the Flint River for its drinking water […]

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PHOTOS: Unlike the actions of Pr*sident Trump, the Women’s March in DC showed the world what America ACTUALLY looks like

PHOTOS: Unlike the actions of Pr*sident Trump, the Women’s March in DC showed the world what America ACTUALLY looks like

Yesterday, people around the world rose as one to say that the fascist leanings of Pr*sident Donald Trump will never be allowed to spread without a powerful, unified resistance standing in its way. Anne and I were in Washington, D.C. to observe and participate in the Women’s March while similar Marches were happening across the nation and across the globe. […]

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Here’s an antidote to today’s inauguration ceremony

Here’s an antidote to today’s inauguration ceremony

Anne and I were fortunate enough to attend President Obama’s first inauguration eight years ago today. Her photomosaic poster of Barack Obama, “Out of Many, We Are One”, had appeared in TIME magazine, had sold well and was being given out as a gift at the Michigan Ball. We also miraculously got tickets to the inauguration itself. Not only that, […]

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Betsy DeVos’s confirmation hearing proves she’s unqualified, dangerous, and out of her league. PLUS: GRIZZLIES!!!

Betsy DeVos’s confirmation hearing proves she’s unqualified, dangerous, and out of her league. PLUS: GRIZZLIES!!!

It’s unmistakably clear that Republicans are doing everything they can to protect their corporatist benefactor Betsy DeVos from having to face any sort of real scrutiny in her bid to become the nation’s Secretary of Education. They scheduled her confirmation hearing BEFORE the U.S. Office of Government Ethics had released its report on her so that she can’t be questioned […]

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Gov. Snyder spent 70 seconds talking about cows, 95 seconds about the #FlintWaterCrisis in State of the State Address

Gov. Snyder spent 70 seconds talking about cows, 95 seconds about the #FlintWaterCrisis in State of the State Address

To say that Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder’s State of the State Address last night was a whitewash of the reality we face in our state is an understatement. He avoided any serious discussion about his plans to remedy the slow motion infrastructure catastrophe that is in visible progress. He never mentioned the tens of thousands of out of work Michiganders […]

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Grading Betsy DeVos’ confirmation day exam

Grading Betsy DeVos’ confirmation day exam

Betsy DeVos believes these 5 things about government. As a career teacher, I thought I’d take this opportunity to grade Ms. DeVos’ responses as though they were answers on an exam. I understand she’s a big fan of “accountability,” so I’m sure she will appreciate the feedback, especially as she crams for her confirmation hearings, scheduled for later today… 1. […]

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The pendulum swings back: Young people are about to be reminded of what Dr. King taught us about being Americans

The pendulum swings back: Young people are about to be reminded of what Dr. King taught us about being Americans

Four years ago this weekend, my wife and I spent the day after Pres. Obama’s second inauguration touring some of the national monuments in Washington, D.C. It’s an incredible experience walking around our nation’s capitol and reading powerful progressive messages carved into granite and marble, a reminder that the truly great Americans in our country’s history all had messages that […]

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“Success” gets a new definition in TrumpLand

“Success” gets a new definition in TrumpLand

The following guest post was written by Walt Sorg, a long time political activist and observer from Lansing, Michigan. Walt was a candidate for the Michigan House of Representatives in 2012 in the 67th State House District. Follow him on Twitter at @WaltSorg. Enjoy. We look at the cabinet appointments of the incoming President, and we are baffled. It is […]

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A peek behind the curtain at Eclectablog

A peek behind the curtain at Eclectablog

My wife Anne wrote this last year and it’s all basically still true (except that I’ve written 4,909 posts now.) I thought it was worth sharing it with you on the last day of our fundraiser as a reminder of why we do what we do. Thanks for any support you can give. I don’t like painting ceilings. I don’t […]

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VIDEO & TRANSCRIPT: President Obama’s final Weekly Address : (

VIDEO & TRANSCRIPT: President Obama’s final Weekly Address : (

Because I am on the White House Press email list, I get the embargoed Weekly Address every week on Friday, embargoed until 6 a.m. the next morning. I have posted a few of them over the years but, generally, I didn’t make too big a deal about them. But, oh, man. I didn’t anticipate how sad it would make me […]

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[CC image credit: Thomas Hawk | Flickr]

Here’s one thing I know, in this new reality we’re going to need all the truth & information we can get

At a press conference on Wednesday, Donald Trump told the nation that CNN is “fake news”. That stunning declaration is part of a long-term strategy, honed by the Nazi regime of Adolf Hitler, to discredit information sources that keep the citizenry informed about reality. For his most ardent followers, Trump’s statement just confirms what they already wanted to believe because […]

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