Author: Eclectablog

Michigan House Dems choose Adam Zemke as caucus Chair, Jeremy Moss as caucus Whip

Michigan House Dems choose Adam Zemke as caucus Chair, Jeremy Moss as caucus Whip

Michigan House Dems have chosen their leadership and have made two VERY solid choices in my opinion. First, they picked Ann Arbor-area Representative Adam Zemke from the 55th House District to be the caucus Chair. As someone who has watched Adam in action, I think he’s going to bring very exciting energy and new ideas to the House Dems. He’s […]

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Socio-political artist Michael D’Antuono’s latest work graphically depicts Betsy DeVos’s devastating dream for education

Socio-political artist Michael D’Antuono’s latest work graphically depicts Betsy DeVos’s devastating dream for education

Michael D’Antuono is an artist who challenges our social and political beliefs with his hard-hitting and often controversial paintings. His work has been featured here at Eclectablog before (HERE and HERE.) Just in time for the confirmation hearings of Betsy DeVos, Donald Trump’s pick for Secretary of Education, D’Antuono has a new painting out titled “Class System” that graphically depicts […]

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#RESIST: Michigan Gubernatorial candidate Gretchen Whitmer refuses to be bullied by Betsy DeVos

#RESIST: Michigan Gubernatorial candidate Gretchen Whitmer refuses to be bullied by Betsy DeVos

Bullying and intimidation are the modus operandi of Donald Trump and those who support him. Through personal insults and vague threats, they attempt to make people afraid to oppose them. His pick for Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos, is no exception. Earlier this week, Gretchen Whitmer sent out this fundraising email as part of her bid to be Michigan’s governor […]

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What makes Eclectablog so special? Let me explain.

What makes Eclectablog so special? Let me explain.

I’ll be honest, here at Eclectablog, we don’t enjoy having to ask our readers for money. But, we also hate having ads on the site and, quite frankly, ads don’t bring in enough revenue to keep the site up and humming along and, more importantly, to ensure that all the amazing writers get paid for their fine work. And that’s […]

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In the new Trump era, we need to value independent journalism all that much more

In the new Trump era, we need to value independent journalism all that much more

As we transition in whiplash fashion to the new Trump era, more and more independent journalism and political commentary becomes something we as informed Americans need to value as precious and essential. However, unlike our political adversaries who enjoy corporate support and financing, sites like Eclectablog rely on our readers (and listeners!) for that support. That’s why, four times a […]

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Eclectablog needs your help (seriously)

Eclectablog needs your help (seriously)

Over the past year, Eclectablog has grown significantly. We have brought on two new exciting writers, educator Mitchell Robinson, seasoned journalist, columnist, and reporter Susan Demas, and Detroit poet and activist Tawana “Honeycomb” Petty. LOLGOP and I have also started a new podcast called “The Sit and Spin Room with LOLGOP & Eclectablog“. This has added an additional significant cost […]

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Michigan Republican Senator preps bill to blow $9 BILLION hole in state budget

Michigan Republican Senator preps bill to blow $9 BILLION hole in state budget

In a state facing massive infrastructure problems from roads that have gone unrepaired for years to a city poisoned by lead that needs tens of thousands of lead water service lines replaced, one Republican Senator has a plan: pass a law ending our state income tax, a move that will blow a $9 BILLION hole in our state budget: Senate […]

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Republican Congressman Bill Huizenga: Spokesmodel for Betsy DeVos

Republican Congressman Bill Huizenga: Spokesmodel for Betsy DeVos

If you have any misconceptions about how powerful Betsy DeVos and her family’s money is – not just in Michigan but nationally – have a look at the video below. That’s Congressman Bill Huizenga who represents the highly conservative 2nd Congressional District on Michigan’s west coast. Huizenga is a former classmate of his good buddy Erik Prince, founder of the […]

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UPDATED: Bill passed to alert Michiganders to lead in their water like the #FlintWaterCrisis languishes on Gov. Snyder’s desk

UPDATED: Bill passed to alert Michiganders to lead in their water like the #FlintWaterCrisis languishes on Gov. Snyder’s desk

NOTE: This post has been updated below. Before he left the state for a holiday vacation, Gov. Snyder signed a number of bills into law. While he was away, Lt. Gov. Brian Calley signed a bunch more into law including one that bans banning or regulating single-use grocery bags and one that makes the illegal selling of fetal tissue more […]

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Trump gets undeserved credit for GOP reversing itself on gutting ethics committee when it was voters who did it

Trump gets undeserved credit for GOP reversing itself on gutting ethics committee when it was voters who did it

Over the past month and a half since the election, LOLGOP and I have been exhorting folks listening to our podcast to activate and be present in the lives of their state legislators, members of Congress, and their U.S. Senators. In fact, the cold open to our last podcast is a recording of us calling Senator Debbie Stabenow’s office to […]

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Gretchen Whitmer throws her hat into the ring to be governor of Michigan

Gretchen Whitmer throws her hat into the ring to be governor of Michigan

Today, 671 days before the 2018 election, Ingham County Prosecutor and former State Senator Gretchen Whitmer filed paperwork to run for governor of Michigan in 2018. It’s a smart move given that she’ll likely face primary opponents with more high profile positions (like Congressman Dan Kildee, for example.) Getting out early will help give her helpful exposure. It’s exciting to […]

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